St James’ Park atmosphere improvement ideas at home matches – Feedback from official club workshop

3 months ago 28


An official workshop up at St James’ Park on Tuesday night.

Club officials meeting with Newcastle United fans at the event.

The workshop event aimed at bringing together ideas and initiatives to improve the matchday atmosphere at St James’ Park.

People from NUST (Newcastle United Supporters Trust) were amongst those at this get together last night and they have given a brief review of what came out of this event…

‘Matchday Atmosphere Event Summary

Overall most tables agreed on the following suggestions to improve atmosphere or match day experience:

Better PA System usage / upgrade.

Music selection needs updating. Club potentially survey fans to see which songs are preferred. Allow organic fan singing after match ends.

Most in favour of bringing back half time entertainment. The zorbs racing of Wonga days mentioned a few times. Suggested (Mehrdad) Ghodoussi and Jamie Reuben to be first contestants!

Cheaper drinks / food options right up to kick off

Overall agreement to idea of extending the safe standing in ground. Popular areas were level 7 next to away fans, leazes and gallowgate. Could be tied in to be a singing section.

Queues at half time need to be tackled. Suggested mobile drink stations for bottles to ease pressure of queues

Allow people to select where they sit if successful in ballot. So they can sit with friends / family

More TV screens in ground.

Some liked idea of pyro display for special occasions but resounding agreement on not having light displays like other clubs’

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