Stephen King Calls For Joe Biden To Exit 2024 Race

3 months ago 17

Stephen King has added his name to the list of prominent figures who have called for President Joe Biden to exit the 2024 presidential race.

“Joe Biden has been a fine president, but it’s time for him—in the interests of the America he so clearly loves—to announce he will not run for re-election,” King wrote on X/Twitter this morning.

King has long been outspoken in his opposition to Donald Trump, writing on Sunday that “the French right wing is going down to defeat in spite of polls. May it happen to Trump and his head-in-the-sand cronies.”

But his concerns about Biden, following his dismal debate performance on June 27, reflect anxiety in the Democratic party and among longtime donors and supporters that the president will be able to defeat his predecessor in November.

On Sunday, Rob Reiner called for Biden to leave the race. Major industry donors and supporters Damon Lindelof and Reed Hastings also want the president to step aside.

Biden called into Morning Joe this morning and insisted that he was staying in, claiming that the calls for him to drop out are coming from party elites, comparing that to enthusiastic crowds he’s been getting on the campaign trail.

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