Super Eagles Must Find A Way To Qualify For 2026 World Cup  –Adepoju

4 days ago 6

Former Nigerian international Mutiu Adepoju has charged the Super Eagles to devise a way to qualify for the 2026 World Cup.

Recall that Nigeria lost 2-1 to Benin in June after being held to a 1-1 draw against South Africa at the Godswill Akpabio Stadium in Uyo in the qualifying series.

Before now, the Eagles began their qualifying campaign with a 1-1 draw at home against Lesotho, followed by another 1-1 draw away to Zimbabwe last November. 

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These results left the team fifth in Group C, trailing behind Lesotho with five points and the trio of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Benin, each with seven points.

However, in a chat with Nigeria News Agency (NAN), the 1994 Africa Cup of Nations winner stated that the team needs to focus and find a way to move forward and qualify for the next tournament.”

“First, the players need to stay calm, unite, and commit to winning all the upcoming matches,” Adepoju said.

“The team needs to focus and find a way to move forward and qualify for the next tournament.”

“The NFF needs to act swiftly to unite the players and bring out their best for the next World Cup,” Adepoju added.

The next round of qualifiers is scheduled for March 2025, with the Eagles set to travel to Kigali to face Rwanda on March 17 and host Zimbabwe a week later.

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