Sushi Evolution Plan met with Mostly Excitement

5 months ago 34

On the second of April, the Core Team at Sushi put forward a proposal which, if successful, will be the biggest singular change to the Sushi Ecosystem since its inception. This vote is currently passing through the Sushi DAO governance and has been met by (mostly) excitement.

The purpose of this vote is to change the model of how Sushi currently operates. Many people point out it allows Sushi to adopt a model more in line with other leading DEX platforms. This will allow a better approach to fundraising, technology development, and overall structure. Of course, many will be familiar with how successful other platforms have been in their deployment and fundraising activities.

To date, this vote has seen the most amount of activity for any Sushi vote. Many believe that this is due to the dramatic changes that are being proposed. Crypto Daily spoke with the Head Chef at Sushi who said ‘we’re very positive about these changes’. Jared went on to explain

‘We’ve been speaking with the Sushi Community for a long period of time. It’s clear there is a want to remain competitive in the market.’

Details of the new model show the creation of a Labs Company, with the movement of the current core team heading over to this new entity. The DAO will then receive a number of new elements such as more councils, governance boards, and the ability to manage DEX operations through a more deployed governance vote.

Not everyone seemed impressed. One user knows as ‘Naim’ seems to have hounded both Twitter and Sushi Wallet holders with an overall different version of events. They claim that the movement is a ‘rug pull’ by the Sushi Core team (specifically the Head Chef). When asked about this, Jared responded

‘That’s simply not true. We’re proposing to allow the DAO and the DEX to become MORE decentralized in its deployment. We’re moving over to a Labs to focus on building technology that can be deployed in the Sushi Ecosystem’.

When asked specifically about the ‘rug pull’ Jared responded -

‘We (The core team) have no idea where that concept has come from. Thanks to the wallet signatories, who are independent of us and do not make up the Core Team, it would be almost impossible for anyone to ‘rug pull’ Sushi’.

In the proposal, we asked for funds to establish Labs. All of that is coming from the funds that have been secured for Sushi over the last few years. It in no way reflects the bulk of the treasury.

A dive into Naim seems to suggest there might be an ulterior motive for their pressing against the vote. Naim (also known as ‘BrutalTrade’ on Twitter) appears to be an ex Sushi team member with a disliking of the Head Chef. They seem to hold no Sushi and most of what they are sharing on the social media site X (Formerly Twitter) is devoid of any actual information other than misguided words or out of context information.

‘There doesn’t seem to be any evidence of a rug pull’ - one X (formerly Twitter) user commented.

‘I can understand why people who used to be part of Sushi would be annoyed they had missed this opportunity, but trying to torpedo the evolution for the rest of us isn’t cool’.

The general feeling among users and comments on the forum were positive about the changes. With the vote still ongoing, it will be interesting to see what the future for Sushi lookslike.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. 

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