Sydney Sweeney has never tried coffee & she can operate on two hours of sleep

5 months ago 29

Recently, I realized that Sydney Sweeney is a Virgo and our birthdays are only one day apart. This explains so much – why I feel drawn to Sydney’s vibe and how Sydney has figured out a way to engineer her career. I wonder if she understands that she’s now part of the grand tradition of Virgo entertainers – hyper-organized perfectionists who are comfortable with the spotlight even if they don’t revel in it. Sydney recently chatted with the Wall Street Journal about sleep, breakfast and how she never drinks coffee.

In a new interview with the Wall Street Journal, Sydney Sweeney — who stars in the new horror film Immaculate — revealed that she never has coffee and can allegedly function with just two hours of sleep.

“I sleep however many hours I get in a night, but I’m known for being able to function off of very, very little for a very long amount of time,” she told WSJ after being asked about a rumor that she can run on two hours of sleep.

When asked about her breakfast routine, she added, “I’ve never tried coffee before. I just drink water. For breakfast, I like a berry bowl. Maybe some granola, bacon, a croissant, but I always go to berries.”

In the interview, the actress said she liked “full-body high-intensity” workouts like SolidCore, though “it’s been killing my ass,” and that she usually wakes up at 7:30 a.m. every morning.

The actress also confirmed that Euphoria — which HBO confirmed is delayed on Monday — will be filming this year.

When asked about her vintage car restoration hobby, Sweeney said, “I have a car I’m about to start. I don’t want to spoil what it is yet because I’m going to post it on my TikTok, but I’ve had it for a while. I’ve been saving it, and it’s going to be my project this year while I film Euphoria.”

[From Rolling Stone]

I’m not a coffee drinker either, although I have been drinking frappuccinos in recent years and they have a nice coffee kick. I get my caffeine fix from diet soda though. I bet Sydney does not. I bet she’s drinking water or juices throughout the day. As for sleep… the thing is, she’s really young. She’s only 26. In your teens and 20s, you can rock and roll on very little sleep. It catches up to you at some point though. I used to be able to live and work quite normally on three or four hours of sleep. Now if I don’t get a solid six or seven hours, I’m a grumpy mess.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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