The FCC will vote on April 25th whether to reinstate net neutrality

6 months ago 33

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I’m at a hotel writing this story. They wanted to charge me an extra $7 for “enhanced” Internet, but I declined the upcharge. I’m getting a measly 6 mbps download speed. I can’t figure out how to upgrade my connection now despite googling it, so I gave up and used my phone as a hotspot. I get 62 mbps download with that. The reason this hotel can gouge people for decent Internet is because of the overturn of net neutrality in late 2017.

Net neutrality was overturned by a five person FCC panel consisting of three white republican men and two women democrats. The then-head of the supposed governmental watchdog organization was an a-hole named Ajit Pai, appointed by Trump, who used to be chief counsel for Verizon. The arguments these people made to deny Americans a basic utility were tired and common – the free market, large multinational corporations need to stiff everyday people in order to innovate and line their pockets, etc. The reason your ISP/phone provider/cable company has tiered Internet access subscriptions, arbitrary data caps and planned slowdowns is because of the overturn of net neutrality.

The good news is that the FCC panel now consists of three democrats and two republicans. They’re going to vote on whether to reinstate net neutrality on April 25th! It really sounds like it’s going to happen.

The FCC will vote on April 25 on whether to reinstate net neutrality rules, which would prohibit Comcast, AT&T and other internet providers from blocking or throttling internet traffic or creating paid fast lanes to reach consumers.

With Democrats now holding a 3-2 majority on the commission, the proposal is expected to pass.

The most controversial aspect of the proposal, as it has been in the past, is to reinstate the FCC’s Title II authority over internet service. That regulatory maneuver, vigorously opposed by major internet providers, gives the agency a firm legal footing to oversee broadband services. The Title II classification deems that internet providers as common carriers, similar to the regulatory classification given to landline phone service. The proposal would not allow the FCC to regulate rates, an FCC official said.

In a statement, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said, “After the prior administration abdicated authority over broadband services, the FCC has been handcuffed from acting to fully secure broadband networks, protect consumer data, and ensure the internet remains fast, open, and fair. A return to the FCC’s overwhelmingly popular and court-approved standard of net neutrality will allow the agency to serve once again as a strong consumer advocate of an open internet.”

[From Deadline]

This all sounds very dry and boring, but it is huge. It never should have been the FCCs decision to let Internet, phone and cable companies charge whatever they wanted. The Internet should be heavily regulated like other public utilities (although we’ve seen how well that is going) and there should be laws governing that. In many cases there’s only one ISP available and the “free market” is in no way free. I really look forward to Cox and Comcast having to eat it and give everyone fast Internet at the same f’king price.

Here’s a video explainer from the FCC chair:

In our latest video: Net Neutrality and why it's so important. Internet service is essential, and it should have effective oversight to address internet outages, national security concerns, and consumer protections. Learn more about our upcoming vote to restore #netneutrality

— The FCC (@FCC) April 3, 2024

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