On New Year’s Day, the Duchess of Sussex posted a video on her Instagram. In 2024, she only posted one thing on that @meghan IG account, a little preview IG Story for her American Riviera Orchard brand and her upcoming cooking show. We hoped for more, obviously – in the before-times, Meghan was really good at presenting herself on social media, and she had a hand in operating the SussexRoyal account back in the UK too. The Windsors were big mad about it, to the point where part of the Sussexes’ “exit deal” with the Windsors was that they had to stop posting on the SussexeRoyal account.
Anyway, with one new post, Meghan’s IG account now has 723K followers and the account is now verified. We also have a new profile pic, which looks recent. She’s glowing! Hundreds of thousands of people have liked her post, and some of her friends even reposted it on their IG Stories. As of this morning, the Daily Mail has written NINE stories about a 28-second video. Apparently, Meghan needs to go back to Instagram in a big way because she’s such a “flop.” A flop that the Mail breathlessly obsesses over 24-7. Speaking of:
Meghan Markle is back on social media – but her first post has already sparked controversy as fans are divided over her decision to immediately turn off the comments on her first post. The Duchess of Sussex, 43, made her dramatic return to Instagram on Wednesday morning, uploading a short clip that showed her frolicking on the beach in an all-white ensemble.
The video, which was seemingly captured by her husband, Prince Harry, began with Meghan facing away from the camera as her hair blew in the wind. She then wrote ‘2025’ in the sand, before she turned and grinned at the camera before running off.
Immediately, the post attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people and caused a massive frenzy online.
The Duchess of Sussex quickly turned the comments off of the video, but the move was met with a fierce reaction from other social media users. One person branded has as a ‘coward’ for turning them off, while others praised her. ‘Meghan Markle is still a coward. [She] turned off comments’ one woman snarked on X, formerly known as Twitter.
There’s literally no reason for Meghan to turn on her comments. In fact, I hope that is the compromise she struck with herself for her return to social media: she’ll give her fans something, but she’s never going to turn on the comments. There are simply too many vile people out there, and they’re all obsessively following her account now. Those same vile people are raging into the abyss on other platforms because A) Meghan looked so happy and joyful in the video and B) because they can’t sh-t all over her in her comments. Protect your peace, Meghan, and never turn on those comments.
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, kicks off 2025 by returning to Instagram with new video.
— Pop Base (@PopBase) January 1, 2025
Photos courtesy of Meghan’s IG.