The Sex Lives of College Girls is now back in production. Season 3 of the HBO Max comedy series, created by Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, was confirmed back in December of 2022, but there have been a lot of delays. The series follows four college roommates at New England’s prestigious Essex College. Season 2 picked up with the students returning after their Fall break, tackling the challenges thrown their way at the end of season one, and facing their next semester filled with new faces, parties and predicaments. While there’s no premiere date for Season 3 just yet, we do know which stars are coming back, some new faces joining, and at least one star who is leaving. Find out who’s expected to leave, return and join Sex Lives of College Girls for Season 3…
Photos: Max, Getty
Posted to: Alyah Chanelle Scott, Amrit Kaur, Christopher Meyer, Gracie Lawrence, HBO Max, Ilia Isorelys Paulino, Lolo Spencer, MAX, Mekki Leeper, Mia Rodgers, Mitchell Slaggert, Nabeel Muscatwalla, Pauline Chalamet, Renee Rapp, Renika Williams, Slideshow, Television, The Sex Lives of College Girls