The Undertaker Explains How He Was Able To Have A Successful WWE Career 'With 5 Moves'

4 hours ago 3



 The Undertaker during a match in WWE

Jp Yim/Getty Images

According to The Undertaker, there is one thing that every performer must successfully master if they wish to make their mark in professional wrestling, and that is the ability to resonate with the audience. During a recent interview with WrestleRant, Mark Calaway credited his character work as the key that helped him make a lasting connection with wrestling fans worldwide.

"If you make them care, you've won, and that is the biggest thing," Calaway said. "I think that's one of the bigger problems we have. It's getting better because we are getting some good storytellers now, but ... a lot of these young wrestlers are relying so much on their athletic gifts that they're not learning how to tell stories."

While Calaway believes athleticism is a great trait to have in a wrestler, it won't matter if the audience doesn't buy into who they are and the stories that they tell. On top of that, they'll be faced with having to constantly out-do themselves in the ring, which can get out of hand.

"I mean, I had a pretty decent career with five moves," Calaway continued. "But I evoked emotion and made people care, one way or another. That's how you become a legend."

The former Undertaker can currently be seen on the reality series "WWE LFG," where he is one of four coaches preparing Performance Center recruits to take their next steps in the industry. Calaway's recruits include Olympic Gold Medal winner Tamyra Mensah-Stock (AKA Tyra Mae Steele) and former Stanford defensive end Thunder Justice Keck, who performs as Shiloh Hill.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit WrestleRant with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.



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