Young Sheldon is one of the biggest CBS shows on TV. The coming-of-age TV series, set in the late ’80s to early ’90s, is a spin-off prequel series based on the equally huge show, The Big Bang Theory. The show is centered around Sheldon Cooper, portrayed by Jim Parsons in Big Bang Theory, growing up with his family in East Texas. The TV series first debuted back in 2017, and was picked up for a full season that began airing weekly in November of that year. Sadly, the show is coming to an end, and the seventh and final season kicked off in February. Find out who’s back on the show! Over the years, many of the stars have amassed a considerable amount of money. Click through to see who are the richest stars of Young Sheldon, ranked from lowest to highest estimated net worth…
Photos: CBS
Posted to: Annie Potts, Emily Osment, Iain Armitage, Lance Barber, Matt Hobby, Montana Jordan, Raegan Revord, Slideshow, Television, Wallace Shawn, Young Sheldon, Zoe Perry