There’s corruption in music industry – Reggie Rockstone

5 months ago 48


Hiplife pioneer Reggie Rockstone has exposed what he claims is widespread corruption within the music industry.

He has alleged that some artistes allegedly resorting to purchasing online streams to inflate their popularity.

Speaking on Cape Coast's Property FM, Reggie Rockstone expressed concern that many musicians are not authentically earning the staggering streaming numbers they boast but are resorting to streaming farms – (the practice of artificially boosting streaming numbers through various means).

The Me Na Me Kae crooner did not mince words as he called attention to the corruption infiltrating the music scene, hinting that it merits a thorough discussion. 

He asserted, "the huge number of streams some musicians get are sometimes not genuine because they have streaming farms. The corruption that has infiltrated into music nowadays is a whole topic for another day that we need to discuss."

Reggie Rockstone suggested that the creators of popular digital streaming platforms, including Spotify, are profiting immensely at the expense of the musicians themselves.

The Ghanaian artiste added that the revenue generated from these platforms predominantly benefits those who initiated them, particularly individuals from other parts of the world.

“The white people are really enjoying our money out of the digital streaming platforms they’ve created like Spotify and the rest," Rockstone lamented. They’re really spending our money, and they always find a new way to rip, so we have a lot of things that we have to look at.”

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