Thunderbolt! PSG excluded from the Champions League?

1 month ago 77

PSG could see its future in the Champions League compromised, but it is not because of its performance on the pitch.

PSG faces a conflict that could have repercussions well beyond national borders. This dispute, pitting the club against its former player Kylian Mbappé, risks disrupting the club’s European future. And this time, it’s not on the field that the Parisians are playing big.

The dispute concerns a colossal sum of 55.4 million euros that Mbappé is demanding from PSG. This debt includes a signing bonus (36.6 million), unpaid salaries for the months of April to June 2024 (5.75 million per month) and ethics bonuses (500,000 euros monthly). So far, two decisions favorable to the player have been made by the LFP authorities, as reported by L’Équipe. However, PSG contests these decisions and has taken the matter to the Paris judicial court, thus delaying any sanction at national level.

Mbappé, at the heart of a dispute which weakens Paris

But the problem doesn’t end there. At European level, UEFA imposes strict rules on the financial viability of clubs participating in its competitions, in particular the absence of debts to employees. Article 82 of its regulations stipulates that a club must not have any payment arrears on July 15, October 15 and January 15 of the current season.

Mbappé vs PSG, a conflict that could change everything.

However, the sums claimed by Mbappé, validated at first instance, now constitute an official debt. If PSG does not regularize the situation or fails to convince the European body, it could incur sanctions up to exclusion from European competitions, such as the Champions League.

UEFA, a major challenge for the future of PSG

PSG, however, appears calm. The club assures that it will communicate the required information by January 15, as required by UEFA. For its part, the Mbappé clan believes that the necessary evidence has already been provided and that only potential sanctions remain pending.

The stakes are high, because clubs have already been sanctioned for similar cases, often for much lower amounts. It remains to be seen whether the special status of Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, president of PSG but also an influential member of UEFA, will play a role in the outcome of this issue.

PSG therefore plays a double role, both legal and political, which could redefine its European future. Response expected in the coming weeks.

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