Timothy Olyphant will be joining Anya Taylor-Joy in her new Apple TV+ series Lucky. On Friday (January 31), we learned that the 56-year-old Justified actor would appeared alongside the 28-year-old Furiosa actress in the new show, which is based on Marissa Stapley‘s novel of the same name. Details about his role were also revealed. Keep reading to find out more… According to reporting by Variety, Timothy will play Anya‘s onscreen father. Her character has been described as “a young woman who left behind the life of crime she was raised in years ago, but must now embrace her darker, criminal side one final time in a desperate attempt to escape her past.” We’ll update you as we learn more about the project, including other casting announcements! Anya has made many fashionable appearances lately and attended multiple events during Parish Fashion Week. We got some photos of her and husband Malcolm McRae enjoying a romantic outing together earlier this week. Have you seen the Disney character that she wants to bring to life?