TNA Star Eric Young Explains Why Original Six-Sided Ring Wouldn't Work Today

2 hours ago 1



 Eric Young looking intense

TNA Wrestling

TNA Wrestling launched with a six-sided ring that helped differentiate it from other promotions at the time. As the year progressed, however, the company introduced a traditional four-sided ring, which remains intact to this day. While some fans would love to see TNA revert back to its original canvas, veteran Eric Young explained why it's no longer feasible from a financial perspective.


"I'm sure the six-sided rings exist somewhere," he said on "Insight with Chris Van Vliet." "Then there's this whole other cost to consider — now you have to have a truck that drives all over the United States, hauling this six-sided ring. When we go to towns, we're using rings that are in and around the area, and then they dress it up to make it look like the TNA ring. The TNA ring looks like the TNA ring, but the ring is never the same; it's a different ring in every city we're in. So there's this whole other cost involved because the only place that had them was TNA, and at that point, it was big enough to have a ring truck that drove from city to city."

Young added that six-sided rings are few and far between these days. If that's the case, they'd have to be built from scratch, and this wouldn't be as cost effective as working with traditional canvases that are easier to obtain. Furthermore, he noted that several wrestlers complained about the six-sided ring back in the day, though performers such as Kurt Angle praised it for being innovative and practical.


Young noted that the company isn't as popular as it used to be, which is a fair assessment considering that the shows used to attract larger crowds and TV ratings. Despite this, Nic Nemeth believes TNA is growing, as the roster is focused on producing the best product possible. However, it seems six-sided rings are off the cards for now.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Insight with Chris Van Vliet" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.



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