Top WWE Executive Receives Promotion

4 months ago 25

A WWE ring post


It's the season of change for WWE, as the promotion heads further away from the days of Vince McMahon running the show and more towards a "new era" that was unveiled at WrestleMania 40. As such, some old staples of WWE are now heading off into the sunset while newer faces are gaining even more power, including one executive who now finds himself in charge of two key positions in WWE's corporate hierarchy.


PWInsider reports that WWE has promoted executive Chris Legentil to the position of Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, and Head of Communications. As such, the move effectively puts Legentil in charge of both WWE's talent relations and communications department, the latter of which he has been in charge of under the title of Senior Vice President, Head of Global Communications. Legentil had previously joined the talent relations department in April, after the departure of executive Dan Ventrelle.

The promotion continues Legentil's quick rise through WWE since joining them back in 2021, having been brought on by WWE President Nick Khan. Legentil had previously been Senior VP, Head of Global Communications for the streaming service DAZN, where he was credited as a key figure for helping the service get off the ground both in the United States and internationally.


Even before his promotion, Legentil has become a known, and for some controversial, figure in the wrestling community following an in-depth look into his role at WWE by Voices of Wrestling in April. Legentil was also mentioned in an article last week criticizing the behavior of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson both on movie sets and backstage at WWE, with Legentil formally denying allegations Johnson had been late for shows, including WrestleMania 40.



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