Trista Sutter's Disappearance Explained, New Show Revealed!

3 months ago 11

Trista Sutter's Disappearance Explained, New Show Revealed!

Trista Sutter caused concern among fans when she disappeared from the public eye recently, but now everything is being explained.

The 51-year-old former reality star, who was the first star of The Bachelorette, spent time away from her husband Ryan Sutter earlier this year and he posted a cryptic message about their time apart.

“I really wish I could talk to you. Ask you how you’re doing? How was your day. I’d really like to hear your voice – just for a minute. So many times I’ve called without much to say, not realizing how lucky I was or how much I’d miss the opportunity if it were gone,” Ryan wrote in an Instagram post.

He added, “I want to know how you’re doing. I want to support and encourage and cheer you on. I want to be there for you. But I can’t. And that’s ok cause I know you need this time – time to discover yourself again.”

Trista and Ryan later both spoke out to confirm that everything was okay in their relationship.

The latest news helps everything make sense.

Keep reading to find out more…

Trista was reportedly spending time away from her family while shooting the upcoming third season of the Fox reality competition series Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, according to TMZ. The show follows celebs partaking in grueling challenges that people in the military would have to do.

It’s very likely that Trista wasn’t given access to her phone during filming, so that’s why Ryan wasn’t able to get in touch with her. It also explains why he wanted to cheer her on!

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