Veep, Mahama join others to mourn Sunyanimanhene

2 months ago 25

 The Vice President, Dr Mahamadu Bawumia, and others on Sat­urday joined the chiefs and people of Sunyani at the burial and final funeral rites of the late Sunya­nimanhene, Nana Bosoma Asor Nkrawiri ll.

The Vice President was ac­companied by his wife, Samira Bawumia, the Bono Regional Minister, Justina Owusu Bana­hene, Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour Awuah, Minister of Chieftaincy, Stephen Asamoah Boateng, and Deputy Minister of Justice and Attorney Gen­eral, Alfred Tuah Yeboah, and some party executives, among others

The elaborate funeral rites which commenced on Monday April 1, 2024 and expected to end on Sunday, April 7, 2024 witnessed a number of tradi­tional activities including the display by fetish priests at the Victoria Park, widows of the late chief, the Boahen korkor Royal family, in-laws, the chil­dren and all sympathisers filed past to show their last respects to the late chief, laid in state at the Nana Bosoma Asor Nkrawi­ri Royal Palace

The Vice President, rep­resenting the government, donated GH₵200 000, assorted drinks and water to support the funeral celebration.

On Thursday, the National Democratic Congress’s flagbear­er, John Dramani Mahama, led a delegation of party executives including its party chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, to pay their last respects to the late chief.

Additionally, the founder of the Movement for Change (M4 C), Alan John Kwadwo Kyer­ematen, and the founder of the Third Force, Nana Kwame Bediako, led their respective delegations to mourn with the Boahen Korkor Royal family and Sunyani Traditional Coun­cil.

Some ministers of state, New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress members of Parliament, institutions, the clergy and other chiefs and the public also thronged the funeral grounds to pay their last respects to the late Sunyaniman­hene.

Former President Mahama, in a tribute said the late chief was a “man of peace” who built a cordial relationship with the late JJ Rawlings and Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, ensuring development in the Sunyani traditional area.

He later donated GH₵100,000 and assorted drinks and water to support the funeral celebration.

The solemn, but traditionally rich ceremony interspersed with a display of spiritual activities by fetish priests amidst firing of guns and musketry was also attended by the president of the Bono Regional House Chiefs, Oseadeyor Agyemang Badu ll, and his retinue of chiefs.

The queenmother of Sunyani, Nana Akosua Dua Asor Sika Brayie, and sub chiefs sat in state to receive the mourners and delegations from far and near.

The burial service was con­ducted by the Brong Ahafo presbytery chairperson of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Reverend Benjamin Appiah.

The traditional burial ceremo­ny, which was climaxed on Sat­urday, brought socio-economic activities in Sunyani including the central business district to a standstill for days.

Shops and markets remained closed from Wednesday to Saturday in honour of the late chief.

The principal streets of Sunyani, especially vantage points were also awashed with more black and red clothing, indicating the passing of the late Omanhene.

The late chief known in private life as Christian Kofi Kwaakye, who died on July 28, 2022, reigned for over 40 years.


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