Veteran actress Adunni Ade loses younger brother

1 week ago 6

Veteran Nollywood actress Adunni Ade has lost her brother.

The movie star announced the devastating news on her Instagram page on Sunday evening.

Sharing a photo of the deceased, the actress prayed for his soul, saying, “These last few days… I feel so numb! Words fail me deeply bro! Words fail me but Allah knows best. You lived your life! You loved everyone around you. No fakeness! You fought for your people! You are 1 of 1 bro. Know that I will forever keep you in my heart.

“Forever in our hearts, forever in our memories. Love you forever!

“Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. May Almighty Allah forgive you all your sins and grant you Jannah.”

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