Video: Roy Keane hides in German shopping mall to escape selfie-hunting Euro 2024 fans

2 weeks ago 8

 June 15th 2024, 5:15


He’s never been one for the limelight away from football, but Roy Keane has surpassed himself in Berlin whilst there to commentate on Euro 2024.

Apparently walking around with Ian Wright in a Berlin shopping mall, the former Man United captain looked to hide behind a pillar when Wright was approached for a selfie.

Keane could clearly see the funny side, and it sent Wright into fits of giggles when he saw his friend poking his head around the corner to make sure the coast was clear.

Roy Keane dodging selfies in a Berlin shopping mall today.

— (@ballsdotie) June 14, 2024

Pictures from Ian Wright’s official Tik Tok via on X


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