‘We will stay the course’ – Amin Adam assures IMF MD

3 months ago 21

The Minister of Finance, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam, has reaffirmed Ghana’s commitment to staying the course of the IMF programme, assuring the Managing Director of the Fund (IMF), Madam Kristalina Georgieva, that the programme will not be derailed.

The assurance came during a bilateral meeting held yesterday between the Finance Minister, Madam Georgieva, and her team from the IMF, as well as the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Addison.

During the meeting, Dr Amin Adam expressed gratitude to the IMF for its unwavering support and reaffirmed Ghana’s determination to adhere to the economic reforms agreed upon for the IMF programme.

“This IMF programme will remain on course, and Ghana will do everything she has to do to ensure resilient growth. I will be aggressive on the revenue side and hold the line on expenditure,” stated Dr Amin Adam, emphasizing the government’s commitment to fiscal discipline and revenue mobilisation.

In response, Madam Kristalina Georgieva thanked Dr Amin Adam and his team for the warm welcome extended to her during her maiden visit to Ghana.

She commended Ghana’s progress since gaining independence in 1957, noting the significant strides made in infrastructure development and economic governance.

“Ghana has very bright prospects, and we need to do the right thing now for these prospects to materialise,” remarked Madam Georgieva, underscoring the importance of continued adherence to policies that promote resilient and inclusive economic growth.

Madam Kristalina Georgieva’s visit to Ghana comes at a critical juncture as the nation prepares for the upcoming IMF mission in April to conclude the second review of the IMF programme.

The successful completion of this review will unlock the third tranche of IMF funds, providing vital support for Ghana’s ongoing economic recovery efforts.

In addition to her engagements with government officials, Madam Georgieva will also participate in the highly anticipated AI Conference organised by the Ministry of Finance and the IMF.

This conference, slated for today, March 18, 2024, will explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in driving economic growth and development in Ghana, further solidifying the nation’s commitment to embracing innovation and technology for sustainable development.


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