Clock was unmasked on the May 15 episode of The Masked Singer, and the show’s final two contestants were revealed! The penultimate episode of Season 11 aired on FOX on Wednesday and saw Clock, Gumball and Goldfish competing for a spot in the Top 2. After performing “We are Family” by Sister Sledge and “Dancing in the Street” by Martha and the Vandellas, Clock was sent into a three-way Battle Royale with her competitors. She, Gumball and Goldfish belted out Kelly Clarkson‘s “A Moment Like This,” and the masked star was sent packing. This sends Gumball and Goldfish into the grand finale, which airs on May 22. It also revealed the identity of Clock. Who is she? A Grammy winning vocalist! SPOILER ALERT – Do not read ahead if you haven’t watched the latest episode of The Masked Singer! Head inside to see who was hiding under the Poodle Moth mask…