WWE Backlash: Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles Result

5 months ago 18

The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes was able to retain his Undisputed WWE Championship in the main event of WWE Backlash against AJ Styles.

The finish saw Cody Rhodes hit AJ Styles with Cross Rhodes to score the pinfall victory in a great main event.

WWE Backlash results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

WWE Universal Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. AJ Styles

Rhodes and Styles lock up and trade headlocks and takedowns. Neither man can get an early advantage. After a stalemate, Rhodes slaps Styles in the face. Styles and Rhodes trade chops. Dropkick by Rhodes. Rhodes does the Stardust taunt in Styles’ face. Styles lands a dropkick of his own. Styles runs right into a high-angle back body drop from Rhodes. Delayed gourd buster by Rhodes. Styles sends Rhodes into the corner, shoulder first.

Styles focuses his assault on Rhodes’ injured shoulder. Rhodes sends Styles into the bottom rope. Rhodes tries a dive. Styles cut Rhodes off with an elbow strike. Styles sends Rhodes into the commentary desk. The crowd boos as Styles clears the French announce desk. Before Styles can powerbomb Rhodes, Rhodes drives Styles into the ring steps. Rhodes sets up a superplex. As Rhodes lifts Styles in the air, Styles rips Rhodes down to the mat, back first. Electric chair drop by Styles.

Styles tries a springboard moonsault. Rhodes gets his knees up. Rhodes lands a flurry of strikes, followed by a powerslam. Disaster kick by Rhodes. Styles kicks out. Ushigorshi by Styles. Rhodes kicks out. Bulldog by Rhodes. Styles rolls out to the apron. Rhodes sets up a suplex on the apron. Styles reverses it into a brainbuster on the apron. Styles tries a sliding knee on the apron.

The American Nightmare battles The Phenomenal One

Rhodes blocks it and powerbomb Styles through the commentary desk. After a strike exchange, both men are down. Rhodes and Styles both struggle to get to their feet. They lock eyes and tear into each other. Rhodes won the strike exchange with the Dusty Rhodes jabs and Bionic Elbow. Rhodes tries the Cody Cutter, but Styles blocks it. After another series of reversals, Styles suplexes Rhodes into the corner. Springboard 450 by Styles. Rhodes kicks out.

Styles lands a burning hammer. Rhodes kicks out at 1.9. Rhodes fires up. Styles lays in a few kicks, but they have no effect. Rhodes lands a kick of his own, followed by a Cody Cutter. Styles kicks out. Lariat by Rhodes. Rhodes calls for the Crossroads. Styles escapes and lands a Pelé kick. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm, but Rhodes counters with a superkick. Rhodes traps Styles in a kimura. Styles escapes. After both Rhodes and Styles attempt their finishes to no avail. Rhodes lands a super Cody Cutter. Rhodes hits Crossroads for the win.

Winner and STILL WWE Universal Champion, Cody Rhodes!

READ MORE: The Undertaker: Cody Rhodes Is An Example Of Motivation And Not Being Content 

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave Backlash with the Undisputed WWE Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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