WWE Bash In Berlin: Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens Result

1 month ago 12

It looks like Cody Rhodes‘ knee was good enough in Berlin.

Rhodes retained the WWE Championship against Kevin Owens in the opening contest at WWE Bash in Berlin. Owens had plenty of opportunities to attack Rhodes’ supposed injured knee, but hesitated to take advantage on a few occasions.

Cody took advantage and got his knees up during a senton bomb, finally hitting Cross Rhodes for the win. Cody tried to console Owens after the match, and Owens reluctantly hugged him before raising the champion’s arm in victory.


Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Undisputed WWE Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Owens and Rhodes shake hands before locking up. Both men end up tied up in the ropes. Owens floors Rhodes with a shoulder block. After a series of reversals, Owens blocks a Cody cutter. Owens wags his finger at Rhodes. Rhodes misses a disaster kick. Senton by Owens. Owens escapes Crossroads. Rhodes avoids a Stunner. Rhodes and Owens get in each other’s faces. Rhodes tosses Owens out of the ring. Rhodes tries a dive. Owens catches Rhodes and drives him into the apron. Owens sends Rhodes back into the ring.

Rhodes surprises Owens with a disaster kick that sends Owens tumbling to the floor. Suicide Dive by Rhodes. Rhodes sends Owens back into the ring for a two count. Rhodes works over Owens. Figure four by Rhodes. Owens knocks Rhodes off the apron. Rhodes crashes into the barricade. Owens flattens Rhodes with a splash off the apron. Owens works over Rhodes’ ribs. Disaster kick by Rhodes. Owens kicks out. Rhodes tries another Cody Cutter, but Owens reverses it into a German suplex. Superkick by Owens.

Owens sends Rhodes into the ropes. Rhodes bounces off the ropes with a Cody Cutter. Owens kicks out. Owens and Rhodes trade strikes. Ushigorshi by Owens. Rhodes kicks out. Owens goes up top. Rhodes cuts Owens off. Owens picks Rhodes up and hits a rolling senton off the top! Rhodes kicks out! Rhodes tries a springboard. Owens kicks Rhodes in the gut and sets up a Stunner. Rhodes reverses the Stunner into Crossroads! Owens kicks out! Rhodes sets up a superplex. Owens reverses it into a fisherman’s buster! Rhodes kicks out!

Closing moments

Owens and Rhodes trade punches and superkicks. Rhodes tries another springboard, but his knee gives out. Owens sees it and sets up a chop block. Owens stops and thinks better of it. Rhodes rolls out of the ring. Owens follows and tries to check on Rhodes. Rhodes pushes Owens away and yells that he’s fine. Owens kicks Rhodes in the knee and sets up an apron powerbomb. Owens can’t do it. Owens lets Rhodes go.

Back in the ring, Owens hits the Stunner. Rhodes kicks out. Owens tells Rhodes he asked for this and sets up the Popup Powerbomb. Rhodes turns it into Crossroads. Rhodes hits a second. Rhodes sets up another, but Owens drops him with a Stunner. Kick out by Rhodes! Owens goes up top for a swanton. Rhodes gets his knees up. Crossroads by Rhodes! Rhodes pins Owens.

Winner and STILL Undisputed WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes!

Read More: WWE Bash in Berlin Results (8/31/24)

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