WWE Clash At The Castle: Women’s Tag Team Title Triple Threat Result

3 months ago 26

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair lost their titles this afternoon at WWE Clash at the Castle.

The finish of the match saw Belair and Cargill hit their finish on Shayna Baszler, but as Cargill went to make the cover, Isla Dawn hit Cargill with a German Suplex before covering Baszler to win the titles.

WWE Clash at the Castle results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c) vs. Alba Fyre and Ilsa Dawn vs. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark

Three women will be in the match at once. Belair, Baszler, and Dawn start the match. Dawn lands a dropkick, corner ten punches by Belair to Baszler. Dawn charges in. Belair backflips over Dawn. Dawn spears Baszler. Superstar Press by Belair. Everyone tags out. Fyre and Stark light Cargill up with kicks. Stark and Fyre both slap on top wrist locks on Cargill. Cargill powers out. Cargill lands splashes on Frye and Stark. Fyre goes up top. Cargill cuts her off and lifts her in a press. Stark charges in and gets caught by Cargill. Cargill Samoan drops Fyre while Fallaway slamming Stark.

Belair and Cargill destroy EVERYONE. Baszler, Stark, Fyre, and Dawn huddle outside the ring. All four women attack Belair and Cargill. Stark blindsided Dawn. Baszler and Stark take turned working over Dawn. Baszler and Stark set up their finish on Dawn. Dawn back body drops Stark and runs over Baszler. Fyre lands a tornado DDT. Stark and Baszler end up outside the ring. Fyre lands a double jump senton, landing on Baszler and Stark. Belair breaks up Fyre’s pin after a missile dropkick to Baszler. Fyre sends Belair out of the ring again.

The closing moments…

Cargill is nowhere to be found. Baszler avoids Dawn, who ends up eating the ring post. Stark and Baszler set up a superplex on Fyre. Dawn turns it into a tower of doom. Belair hits a superplex on Stark. Cargill finally makes her way back up to the apron. Belair manages to tag in Cargill. Cargill tries a springboard but slips on the ropes. Cargill recovers and clears the ring.

Baszler traps Cargill in the Kirifuda Clutch. Cargill seems to tap, but the referee doesn’t see it. Cargill collapses. As Cargill and Baszler are on the mat, Belair lands a 450 to break up the pin. Belair and Cargill hit their finish on Stark. Dawn pushes Cargill out of the ring as Fyre holds Belair. Dawn steals the pin!

Winners and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn!

READ MORE: Bianca Belair: Teaming With Jade Cargill Has Been Refreshing, Made Me A Better Superstar

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right team leave WWE Clash at the Castle with the Women’s Tag Team Titles? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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