WWE reportedly filed for multiple new trademarks on Sunday, through the United States Patent and Trademark Office, to be used for entertainment purposes and the like, though not much is known about them. As documented by Fightful, WWE filed to trademark "D1," "D-1," and D-One."
The description of the trademark said, in part, the names would be used for "entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibitions and performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer rendered through broadcast media including television and radio, and via the internet or commercial online service."
The trademark could be related to WWE's Next in Line (NIL) program, as Division One athletics in college sports are often referred to as "D-1." WWE has been acknowledging its former college athletes' backgrounds more on "WWE NXT." The most prominent NIL signing in the developmental brand currently is arguably Oba Femi, who captured the NXT Championship from Trick Williams at New Year's Evil. Another notable previous NIL recruit was controversial Olympic gold medalist Gable Steveson, prior to his release in May. This is a big part of WWE's recruiting strategy, but it remains to be seen if the new trademarks are relevant to the NIL program.
Elsewhere, WWE hosted a premium live event called Day 1 back on New Years Day in 2022. The PLE hasn't made a comeback since the initial event, though it remains to be seen if it'll factor into the company's future plans. For now, though, WWE has yet to confirm its intentions regarding its latest trademark filings.