WWE NXT Women's NA Title Match Set For No Mercy

1 month ago 16



 Kelani Jordan holds up the Women's North American Championship atop a ladder after winning the belt at "WWE NXT" Battleground.


Kelani Jordan is proving herself to be a fighting champion, and called out recent foe Wendy Choo for a Women's North American Championship match at "WWE NXT's" No Mercy premium live event on September 1 during "NXT" Tuesday night. Choo was facing Lola Vice in the ring when a furious Jordan stormed down the ramp, got in the ring, and accidentally caught a spinning backfist from Vice for her troubles. 


While the referee was distracted, Choo hit Vice with her weighted body pillow which concealed Jordan's title belt that Choo ran off with last week. Jordan challenged Choo to a title match at No Mercy following Choo's victory over Vice. Jordan struck Choo repeatedly with the pillow, then reached within the pillow case to reveal her Women's North American title belt, which she held high to end the segment.

Choo took matters into her own hands to get a shot at the Women's North American Championship and attacked the champion last week when Jordan was on commentary for a match that saw Tatum Paxley take on Vice. Choo locked Jordan in a reverse sleeper hold at ringside, before standing over the fallen champion, holding her title belt. In a WWE Digital Exclusive following the attack, Jordan said Choo just needed to "say it to her face" if she wanted a title shot.




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