WWE SmackDown Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights for January 12, 2024

1 year ago 111

It’s Friday night and you know what that means! WWE SmackDown will go down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the January 12, 2024 episode.

WWE SmackDown will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE SmackDown Lineup (1/12/2024):

Cameron Grimes vs. Grayson Waller Los Lotharios vs. Latino World Order We’ll hear from LA Knight, Randy Orton, and AJ Styles Bianca Belair vs. Bayley

WWE SmackDown Results (1/12/2024):

The opening package for the show airs.

Cameron Grimes vs. Grayson Waller

Grayson Waller’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso attack Cameron Grimes during his entrance.

Winner: No Contest

Paul Heyman gets on the mic and says they are not the bad guys but Nick Aldis is the bad guy. He says Aldis put Roman Reigns in a fatal four-way match at the Royal Rumble where it is guaranteed that he will lose his title. Heyman says Aldis is the bad guy and hands him a microphone.

Aldis says the fatal four-way match at the Royal Rumble is a done deal. He says Bloodline won’t ruin another match. He says they can’t ruin the main event because they are in the main event. He says that AJ Styles, LA Knight, and Randy Orton will take on Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso, and Roman Reigns.

Heyman says Roman is not there tonight. Aldis says Reigns has started something he doesn’t want to finish. He says they should find another partner or it will be a handicap match.

Los Lotharios vs. Latino World Order

Santos Escobar’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo.

*Commercial break*

Jimmy Uso says no one will team up with them. Heyman says there are a lot of people trying to get into the Bloodline. He says he will find them someone. He walks away and Jimmy says he is worried but Solo Sikoa says he is never worried.

Latino World Order’s theme song plays and they come down to the ring with Zelina Vega.

The match starts and both teams brawl. Wilde knocks Humberto out of the ring. Del Torro hits an hurricanrana on Garza. He then hits him with a springboard dropkick sending him out of the ring. LWO dive onto Garza and Carrillo. Cruz sends Garza into the ring. Garza tags out. He sends Cruz out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Carrillo with a cutter on Cruz. Both men tag out. Wilde hits Garza with a dropkick. He then hits a DDT. Cover! 1……2….Carrillo makes the save. Wilde climbs the top rope but is stopped. Angel and Humberto throw him off the top rope. Humberto goes for the moonsault and misses. However, he comes back with a powerbomb. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

Humberto tags out and he lifts up Wilde but he hits the poisonrana. Garza is sent into the turnbuckle. Del Toro with a dropkick on Carrillo. He then dives onto him. Carlito’s music plays and he attacks him from behind. They brawl into the crowd. Garza rolls up Wilde for the win.

Winner: Los Lotharios

Cameron Grimes is in Nick Aldis’ office. Aldis says he impressed him. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory walk in. Aldi says they are in the middle of something. Grimes ask them to get out of here. He says he is on a level above Waller. He challenges him to a match tonight. Austin Theory agrees to the match and Aldis books it.

*Commercial break*

Paul Heyman runs into Carlito backstage and offers him an apple and says he could team with the Bloodline. Carlito says he is looking for a fight but against Santos Escobar.

Logan says he is speaking on the phone with his lawyers and. He says Owens’ cast could be a liability and if he wears it to their match, then he will sue him and threatens to cancel their match if he shows up in his cast

Bianca Belair vs. Bayley

Bianca Belair’s music plays and she comes out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Butch and Tyler Bate are talking in a bar about Butch’s future.

Bayley’s music plays and she comes out with Damage CTRL.

The match starts and Belair takes down Bayley. Belair hits Bayley with a backdrop and follows it with a moonsault. Bayley comes back with a clothesline. Belair hits Bayley with multiple bodyslams. Bayley is sent into the turnbuckle and she falls to the floor. Belair dives onto Bayley.

*Commercial break*

Bayley attacks Belair in the corner. Belair hits a couple of dropkicks on Bayley. She attacks Bayley in the corner. Bayley comes back with a kick to Belair’s head. She ties Belair’s hair in the ropes and attacks her. Belair uses her hair to trip Bayley. Belair smashes Bayley on the apron.

Bayley sends Belair on the apron. Belair picks up Bayley and slams her into the post. She sends her into the ring and attacks her in the corner. She then hits a suplex. Belair attacks Bayley in the corner. Belair hits Bayley with a backbreaker. Belair slams Bayley. She then hits a moonsault. Cover! 1…..2……kick out.

Bayley sends Belair into the turnbuckle. Bayley hits an elbow drop. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Bayley rolls up Belair but gets her feet on the rope and the referee sees it. She sends Belair out of the ring and distracts the referee but Damage CTRL don’t attack Belair.

Bayley sends Belair into the ring. Belair hits her with the spear. She then hits the KOD for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Kevin says the cast is because of a broken hand but it won’t keep him from competing at the Royal Rumble. Owens says they can talk about the lawsuit face-to-face where Logan can be a guest on the Kevin Owens Show.

Damage CTRL are backstage and Bayley asks why they didn’t help her. Dakota Kai says Bayley needs to win the Royal Rumble on her own. She says Bayley has got this and walks away.

Bobby Lashley’s music plays and he comes out with the Street Profits. He says AOP and Karrion Kross attacking them from behind only made matters worse for them. He says they don’t attack anyone from behind. Lashley says Kross and his team can come down now and settle their issues.

Paul Ellerey comes out and points at the titantron. Kross speaks about a new era with Authors of pain. He calls themselves the Final Testament. Lashley and Street Profits seem confused in the ring.

Paul Heyman is backstage and Pretty Deadly approach him and say they could team with Bloodline. Heyman says they need only one person to team with Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso. Pretty Deadly then say they have something else to do and leave.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Austin Theory

Carmelo Hayes’ music this and he walks to the ring.

Heyman runs into Lashley and the Street Profits. He says Lashley can team with Bloodline and take out his frustration. Lashley says he wants to be in the ring with the Bloodline when he is challenging Roman Reigns.

Austin Theory’s music plays and he walks to the ring with Grayson Waller.

The match starts and Hayes hits Theory with a dropkick. Hayes hits the fade away on Theory. He then dives onto Theory.

*Commercial break*

Theory hits Hayes with a dropkick sending him out of the ring. Theory sends him into the ring. Hayes suplexes Theory in the ring. Waller hits Theory with a crossbody. He slams Theory on the mat. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Waller superkicks Theory.

Theory comes back with a Spanish Fly. The referee calls off the match as Theory looks hurt.

Winner: No Contest

Jimmy Uso asks who they will be teaming up with. Heyman says he interviewed everyone and there is no one who is worthy to stand by their side. He says no more auditions and he has full faith in them and he is not worried. Jimmy says he is worried but Solo says he is not worried. Jimmy says if Solo isn’t worried, then he is not worried.

Randy Orton, AJ Styles, LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso & Solo Siko

Randy Orton’s music this and he walks to the ring. Jimmy and Solo attack him from behind and Solo hits the Samoan spike on Orton. They then walk to the ring.

*Commercial break*

AJ Styles’ music plays and he comes down to the ring. LA Knight’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Knight knocks down Uso. He then tags out and Styles continues the attack on Jimmy. Styles tags out and Knight attacks Jimmy in the corner. Cover! 1…2…..kick out. Styles tags in and hits Jimmy with a sliding forearm. Styles hits Jimmy with a dropkick and he sends him out of the ring. Knight and Styles attack Solo Sikoa. They knock him out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Solo goes to work on Styles. Solo attacks Styles in the corner. Jimmy tags in and attacks Styles. Styles fights back and knocks down Jimmy Uso. Knight sends Solo into the steel steps. Styles with the Pele kick on Jimmy. Styles argues with Knight. Jimmy superkicks Knight after Styles ducks. Styles and Jimmy crash into each other. Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes down to the ring.

Styles tags him and he attacks Jimmy and Solo. Orton with a power slam on Jimmy who rolls to the apron. Randy hits him with the hanging DDT. Jimmy superkicks him but he recovers and hits the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, Solo attacks Orton from behind. Styles attacks him with the phenomenal forearm and Knights hits him with the BFT. Styles and Knight argue and Orton hits the RKO. He then attacks Jimmy. Orton hits Jimmy with the steel steps. They clear the table. They hit the triple powerbomb on Solo through the table.

This ends our live coverage of WWE SmackDown!

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