Xavi, is it over?

5 months ago 40

After the slap received by FC Barcelona in the final of the Spanish Super Cup against Real Madrid (4-1), the sporting director of the Blaugrana, Deco, took stock of Xavi’s situation.

It’s a humiliation that could leave its mark… In the final of the Spanish Super Cup, Sunday evening in Saudi Arabia, FC Barcelona lost heavily (4-1) against its historic rival, Real Madrid. A disappointment which raises questions around Xavi’s future at the head of the Camp Nou residents.

After the meeting, Barça’s sporting director, Deco, defended his coach, reinforcing him in his position. “A danger for Xavi’s future? This question makes no sense. The coach continues to have the confidence of the president and the sports management, this defeat changes nothing”assured the Lusitanian leader at the microphone of Movistar +.

“We showed one of the worst faces of the season”

However, Xavi suffered the blow at the final whistle. “Defensively, we didn’t stop their runs, we didn’t make any tactical mistakes and their first two goals came from actions behind our backs. They hurt us. The high pressing was not good. It’s a difficult defeat to take, we’re upset. We showed one of the worst faces of the season. We will have to improve enormously to win titles. We must ask the supporters for forgiveness. This is not the image of Barça in the final, and even less against Real. »

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Manu Tournoux

Manu Tournoux is a passionate and knowledgeable football enthusiast with a special focus on French football. Born and raised in France, Manu discovered his love for the beautiful game at a young age and developed a deep understanding of the ins and outs of "Le Championnat." His French roots and extensive experience in football journalism have made him an invaluable asset to the French Football Weekly team. As an author for the website, Manu's expertise includes not only in-depth analysis of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 matches but also insightful profiles of up-and-coming talents, detailed transfer news, and engaging coverage of the French national team. His captivating writing style and undeniable passion for the game have earned him a loyal following among our readers. When he's not crafting engaging articles for French Football Weekly, Manu enjoys attending live matches whenever he can, exploring football culture in various French cities, and engaging in spirited debates with fellow fans. Feel free to follow Manu on Twitter and interact with him as he shares his expert opinions, insights, and love for French football.

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