Agreement in place – Barcelona starlet accepts Chelsea’s lucrative contract offer

3 days ago 6

In a major development, MARCA reports that Barcelona starlet Marc Guiu has accepted the contract proposal from Chelsea and is closing in on a transfer to the Premier League club.

Guiu, 18, is entering the final year of his contract and had a renewal proposal from Barça while Chelsea and Bayern Munich expressed serious interest in his signing.

Now, it appears that the Blues have won the race and are all set to sign the teenage striker by activating his €6 million release clause.

Guiu accepts Chelsea’s lucrative offer

As per MARCA, Barcelona had offered Guiu a four-year contract with a gross salary of €2 million per year, plus a series of easily obtainable variables.

However, Chelsea offered the La Masia graduate triple the amount that the Catalan giants had put on the table.

The difference was so great that it was practically impossible for Barcelona to negotiate in this regard. As such, they have not budged on the renewal offer they had made to the player.

Headed to Chelsea. (Photo by JOSEP LAGO/AFP via Getty Images)

The Sporting Directorate understands that it was within the margins that they have in the salary scale of the players and they were not going to break it.

As such, Guiu has already informed the English club that he accepts the offer that has been presented to him and that he refuses to renew his contract with the club.

After consulting with his family and representatives on Monday, the player has decided to take the final step and go to the Premier League.

Chelsea intend to make the official announcement of the signing before Sunday 30 June. In fact, the Blues would not be averse to announcing the transfer this Tuesday or Wednesday if all the documents are in order.

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