Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and Abhishek Bachchan were seen at the school event of Aaradhya in Mumbai last night. Amitabh proudly watched his granddaughter shine during her school’s Annual Day. The family attended the Dhirubhai Ambani School’s celebration on Thursday, and videos of Aaradhya alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s youngest son, AbRam, during their performances quickly circulated on social media.
Amitabh Bachchan enjoys granddaughter Aaradhya performing
In his latest blog, Amitabh Bachchan reflected on the ‘most exhilarating experience’ of seeing his grandaughter Aaradhya perform. He expressed his joy in witnessing Aaradhya’s innocence and determination to impress her loved ones. “Children… their innocence and desire to be at their best in front of their parents is such a delight,” he wrote. “When they perform in front of thousands, it’s truly exhilarating. Today was one such occasion… Good night, for tomorrow calls…”
In addition to celebrating Aaradhya’s performance, Amitabh mentioned he would be returning to work after a day of rest. He elaborated on his professional commitments, saying, “Back to work tomorrow after a day’s rest… but work did not stop. There’s much to focus on for the future that requires attention and approval. Yet, the joy of collaborating with two of the most gifted and talented icons in the music industry was unparalleled. Their exceptional skills are truly enviable; I wish I could be like them. Sadly, time for learning has become limited. I will make an effort to stay connected with those who inspire a return to the basics of our craft…”
Aaradhya and AbRam’s school play
The annual day event at Dhirubhai Ambani School in Mumbai was a dazzling affair, featuring an array of Bollywood stars, including Shah Rukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Aaradhya captivated the audience with her stellar performance in a Christmas play, showcasing her impressive dialogue delivery and stage presence. Notably, SRK’s son AbRam also took part in the production.
More of Aaradhya’s performance at her school’s annual day event today. Notice the pride on her parents and granddad’s face the moment she starts singing ❤️@SrBachchan @juniorbachchan #AishwaryaRaiBachchan
— Bewitching Bachchans (@TasnimaKTastic) December 19, 2024Aishwarya and Abhishek together
As the evening wrapped up, the Bachchan family made a touching exit from the venue together. Proud parents Aishwarya and Abhishek were visibly beaming as they walked hand-in-hand with Aaradhya by their side. Their united presence was a clear indication that they remained unfazed by the rumours surrounding their personal lives.
Aishwarya particularly exemplified this poise, gracefully interacting with her father-in-law and ensuring his comfort amidst the crowd. Meanwhile, Abhishek tenderly looked after Aishwarya, sharing loving glances as they left the event together. Meanwhile, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan were seen leaving the annual day event together, appearing united despite ongoing divorce rumours, as they departed in the same car.