Earlier today, reports surfaced claiming that acclaimed filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali is set to produce and commence work on Rowdy Rathore 2 next year. Allegedly, the Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazar creator has brought on board Kannada director Prem, who is currently engaged with his pan-Indian project, KD – The Devil. The original Rowdy Rathore starring Akshay Kumar, released in 2012, was directed by Prabhu Deva and became a massive box-office success.
Rowdy Rathore 2 has already been finalised
According to the reports, the script for Rowdy Rathore 2 has already been finalised, and casting for the sequel will reportedly begin in the summer 2025. These developments have caused considerable excitement among fans of the original film.
However, sources close to the production have refuted these claims. Speaking to News18 Showsha, an independent source clarified, “The news about Rowdy Rathore 2 is exciting enough to make rounds in the media, but no such development has happened at the production house’s end. There are many names wanting to associate themselves with the project, touted to be one of the massiest films of all time, but unfortunately, no progress is in motion so far.”
For the unversed, the original report from Pinkvilla hinted at Akshay Kumar’s potential return to the franchise. A source quoted in the report stated, “We shall know that at the right time. It could be Akshay Kumar, a new hero, or who knows, a two-hero film too.” This has left fans speculating about whether Kumar will reprise his iconic role or if new stars will be roped in for the sequel.
Meanwhile, Bhansali is focused on other major projects. He is currently shooting Love & War, a film starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal. Additionally, the filmmaker recently announced Heeramandi 2, the sequel to his ambitious Netflix series.
As of now, while the buzz around Rowdy Rathore 2 continues to grow, there appears to be little concrete evidence to support the claims of its development. Fans and industry watchers will have to wait for official announcements to know whether this much-anticipated sequel will materialise.