The forever ROH Women’s World Champion Athena is stating that she is injured as she called for an Emergency Minion Empowerment Meeting on this week’s ROH.
With Lexy Nair and the ROH Women’s TV Champion Billie Starkz alongside of her, Athena on crutches says she tore a couple of ligaments on her ankle, which could leave her out of action of 4 to 6 Months.
The champ said that despite the injury, she would not relinquish the gold. Queen Aminata & Red Velvet made their way on stage to confront Athena. They put into question Athena’s injury and finding it to not be reality. This is similar to how Starkz faked her injury on Supercard of Honor to be crowned the first TV Champ against Aminata. Aminata pushed Starkz onto Athena, sending her into the alleged injured leg. Medical assisted Athena to the back.
Other ROH Results from June 20:
Marina Shafir def. Maggie Minerva Leyla Hirsch def. Diamante