Brian Myers And Eddie Edwards Say The System Is Clicking On All Cylinders; Myers Gives Pectoral Injury Update

5 months ago 25

The System has a unified goal in TNA — to be the group you love to hate.

WrestleZone recently spoke with The System’s Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards, the current TNA World Tag Team Champions. The pair will be in six-man action at TNA Under Siege, teaming with Moose against ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain.

Myers was banged up after the TNA Rebellion pay-per-view in April, and the company announced he was not cleared to compete in the immediate future. Myers explained that he was feeling better two weeks removed, noting that he suffered a bad “pectoral strain” while performing a dive on the show. He is now cleared to compete, and more confident with The System in his corner.

Myers on his status

“Right. So, in the moment, I did a very dangerous spear on the floor with ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey. Literally time stood still for me as I was live on pay-per-view. And I thought, ‘Did me and Matt Cardona get the same exact injury in the same week?’ I was speechless, because I thought I tore my pec,” Myers said. “The trainer checked me out, he said he didn’t think there was a tear but definitely some strength issues. He basically said if I woke up bruised, we’d be in trouble, and I woke up not bruised. So it’s just like a real bad pec strain, is what I would say. I don’t have my full strength, but I can certainly make Under Siege and be part of the main event.” 

Was there any point during the night of Rebellion that they discussed their options for defending the titles, like using the “Freebird Rule”?

“No. [there was no discussion about that]. I’m fine,” Brian Myers stated. “It’s been two weeks and I’ve been getting better every day. So I’m not even really concerned about it. Especially, I have two of the best wrestlers in the world as my partners. What do I got to be worried about?”

“The heart of a champion right there,” Eddie Edwards added. “That’s how we do it.”

Getting better with time

The System’s union might have come as a surprise to some at first. However, Myers and Edwards touted their real-life friendship as being a strength of the group. Both agreed that they only get better with time, and they want to keep proving they belong at the top of the card in TNA.

“I think it was thrust upon TNA fans At Hard To Kill were everyone kind of — That was a lot of the feedback like, ‘Wait! What is this group?’ But I guess what the fans didn’t know was that we were pretty much doing this behind the scenes for a couple of years now,” Myers explained. “We were really good friends. And that’s showing through now through all our performances and I can’t speak highly enough about some of the six-man tags we’ve had in the past couple of months. And they’ll be no different at Under Siege so… Um… And it just gets better and better every time. The System’s literally clicking in all cylinders. It’s chemistry.”

“Yeah, I think when you have any team that is true… You know, are truly three of the best friends outside the business,” Edwards added. “I think that shows any time you have a match and I think every time we’re in there, we get a little bit smoother, we get a little bit better, and I think that shows every time, because of what our relationship is behind closed doors.”

What’s next?

The System currently holds the World Championship (Moose) and the Tag Team Championship. What is the next goal to elevate the group to ensure their longevity in TNA?

“I think you hit on it. It is to stand the test of time right?” Brian Myers said. “We need Alisha to get her strap, we’re all rocking gold and it’s to keep the gold right? And be the thing that you love to hate on TNA Wrestling. I think that’s all our unified goal.”

“Yeah, and it’s continue to put on some of the best matches that is possible for us, but also to be an attraction for the company. We want to be the top guys and girls of the company. So, that’s our goal,” Edwards noted. “When we go out there, we want to show that we belong and not only as champions but belong on top of the card. So I think, we all have that unified front with that where as a group it’s easy to fall on a thing where you’re worried about yourself. But I think in this situation we’re all concerned about the betterment of the group as a whole.”

TNA Under Siege takes place on Friday, May 3. Watch our full interview with Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards below:

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