Donald Trump's Biggest Lie Is About Groceries

3 weeks ago 10

Donald Trump said some really bats**t things during the debate with Kamala Harris. We’ve seen the number of lies he told tallied by independent fact-checkers at around 33 (compared to one from Kamala). The debate moderators, as much as they’ve been called “rigged” by right-wing pundits trying to cope, only called him out on three of these.

Obviously there was the gross, racist hoax he pushed about Haitian immigrants stealing and eating dogs and cats in Ohio. And when he said Democrats are in favor of abortions even in the ninth month and AFTER birth — meaning the murder of living children. You know, the kind of total insane nonsense you have to resort to when your positions are so extreme.

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But maybe his biggest lie is one he gets the least checked for. No, it’s not about Jeffrey Epstein, though — it is weird he never gets asked about that, right?

What’s the biggest complaint voters tend to voice lately? The cost of living going up. We mean, how many times have you seen someone say, “We can’t afford groceries,” in the last few months. People are upset about inflation, about living costs. It’s not a special interest concern, high prices are something everyone has to deal with. Well, normal people we mean, not billionaires.

So why doesn’t the news cover it much? Well, honestly it’s a lot of math. And frankly it’s boring as hell… until you see how much YOU have to pay. Then it goes from boring to INFURIATING real fast. We’ll try to get to the infuriating part quick, just stick with us…

Kamala Says…

Kamala says one of her big plans to reduce prices is to stop corporations from gouging prices. She’s saying companies use the economy and inflation as an excuse and just push up prices on stuff like food for no reason other than greed. It sounds far-fetched, but Kroger literally admitted to this just a couple weeks ago. The Federal Trade Commission sued — and Senior Director for Pricing Andy Groff confessed in his testimony, under oath, that yes, they totally do this!

So maybe it’ll help some. Enough? We honestly don’t know.

What we know for certain won’t help at all is what Trump keeps saying he’ll do…

Trump’s Tariff Plan

Trump’s big plan that he’s said over and over is that he’s going to impose higher tariffs on everything. He keeps saying this is something that will charge foreign countries — and pass the savings onto Americans. Kind of like when he said Mexico will pay for the wall. Remember that one? He makes it sound like he’s some tough negotiator who’s going to get the US more money.

But… that’s not how tariffs work. At all. Tariffs are taxes. And not on foreign countries. Tariffs are taxes on US companies — charging THEM money for importing stuff. The companies who get goods and materials from other countries have to pay the US government extra money for buying foreign. It’s a TAX.

Yes, Donald Trump is talking about raising taxes. Not some magic solution no one has thought of — just plain old raising your taxes. Because yes, the way these taxes work, they filter down and pass the EXTRA COSTS onto you. How much more? We’ll get to that in a minute…

The reason we say he’s lying about it is, even if you assume he didn’t know what tariffs are, he would have to have been told by now. The only other option is that he’s completely ignorant and willfully dense about it.

A Spoonful of Sugar

Take tariffs on sugar. If sugar — which the US mostly gets from foreign countries — gets taxed higher, the companies who need it have to pay more to make everything. And corporations don’t like their profits going down. So what do they do? They RAISE PRICES!

The price of cereal, soft drinks, ice cream, cookies, most spaghetti sauce and salad dressings, lots of soups, all kinds of stuff — goes up. Just across the board. Post and Pepsi don’t want to pay more money. So they offset the cost by charging more. It’s the exact same complaint conservatives have when they fight raising the minimum wage. Corporations are gonna corporation.

So lots of new tariffs, like Trump is planning? All he’s really saying is he’s going to raise your taxes by making basically everything you buy more expensive. It’s like radically increasing sales tax — something NO ONE would vote for — just laundering it through corporations. Not that Trump knows anything about laundering money.

If you want to think of it as raising the prices on everything, like, say, inflation, you wouldn’t be that far off. At least in its effect on YOU.


So if everything you buy is a lot more expensive, how does that help YOU?? It doesn’t. In fact, the less money you have, the worse this is for you. Poor people spend a larger percentage of their income every month on necessities — so they’re taxed disproportionately by tariffs. It certainly doesn’t make childcare more affordable, nor does it put more money in your pocket to pay for it. Just the opposite.

OK, so what’s the actual damage to YOU? At the cash register?

Trump’s specific tariff plan is a 10% increase across the board on ALL goods (so yes, even sugar), with a much larger 60% on goods from China. The estimates on the lower side we’ve seen say the average American household should see this as an increase in taxes of about $1,700 per year. Once again…

$1700/yr cost!

That’s an estimate on the lower side. We’ve seen some estimates over DOUBLE that. That’s how much more YOU WILL PAY. And it won’t be in your paycheck so you look at it and think “Trump is taking this.” Even his taxes are dishonest. You’ll be paying it at the store. Because everything will be going up that much in price.

So WHY Tariffs Then??

Most economists are against tariffs generally. Per Wikipedia:

“There is near unanimous consensus among economists that tariffs have a negative effect on economic growth and economic welfare, while free trade and the reduction of trade barriers has a positive effect on economic growth.”

So why would anyone want tariffs? In theory tariffs are imposed to try to dissuade them from importing, but look — lots things HAVE TO be imported. It’s not like all of a sudden the US will have a better climate to grow coffee or tomatoes.

An important note: Biden has kept some of the tariffs Trump enacted in his first term, and Kamala is in favor of some tariffs, too. However, she says tariffs should only be applied on targeted materials as a way to keep corporations buying American — to keep auto workers, steel workers, people like that employed and stop companies from closing factories in the US.

But Trump wants to raise tariffs on everything. Places where it would have absolutely no positive effect on US jobs. Notably most fruits and vegetables, most seafood, and basically ALL coffee would go up in price. Groceries. We’re talking about groceries being hit really hard here. For no reason. Again, those tariffs wouldn’t help steel or auto workers.

So one more time, the next time you hear someone say “we can’t afford groceries”? Remember what Trump’s plan would actually do.

Raise the price on EVERYTHING $1700+ more in costs to you per year foreign countries aren’t paying for s**t

You can see a more independent investigation on all this (below):

We hope any of this helps! Honestly, if you aren’t bored to tears already, please feel free to do more research on tariffs! Find out why economists say most won’t help! Learn how it would affect your grocery bill and your job market.

We don’t blame you if you don’t want to take it from Perez Hilton — but are you really going to take it from Donald Trump??

[Image via ABC News/MSNBC/YouTube/WENN.]

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