Eric Young: TNA Currently Has A Similar Vibe As The One It Had When It Started

2 months ago 18

One of the veterans of TNA Wrestling is former NXT Tag Team Champion Eric Young. He recently shared his thoughts on the current version of TNA and compared it to the olden days of the Nashville-based promotion.

While speaking to Zack Heydorn for Brass Ring Media, Eric Young revealed that the current version of TNA gives a very similar vibe to the promotion from back in the day.

“In a way there is a similar vibe [to the TNA back in the day]. I mean, when it first started, it was just like this thing that nobody thought would survive. Me included. They were doing these weekly pay-per-views and that didn’t seem sustainable. And they’re hiring all these people, paying all these money like… They just… Just no way can last forever. And then, I started working there full-time and just, hoping that it was going to last and like… You know… It’s been my home. It’s been the place I’ve spent my most time in my wrestling career. And I’ve had really really unbelievable times here. I’ve had bad times here. Uh… I… I’ve worked under, I don’t know, 10 or 11 different regimes, including the new one with Anthony, and Ariel, and Gail, and Tommy. Robert who just moved on to AEW. and Hunter, and…

“The list goes on and on of these people that you’ve worked with. But I think kind of what from me, it is home. And it’s not like I’m addicted to being the underdog. Nobody wants to be the underdog forever. But what comes with that is this weird… Not weird, this kind of different energy, this camaraderie, and I’ll say still to this day that the locker room is a very tight group of people. Look, we are all independent contractors and we’re all… Have to look out for ourselves because nobody else is going to do it.”

Eric Young appreciates the TNA locker room

Young also shared that the locker room works in unison to provide a wrestling show for the fans to enjoy.

“But in the end, it does feel like a very joined group of a joint effort to put out the best product possible. And right now, look at… For your money, if you’re a pro wrestling fan, this is a pro wrestling show written by pro wrestlers for pro wrestling fans. And the minute it is not, I’ll quit. Or I’ll go somewhere else. I’m very proud to be part of it. Huge stuff happening, obviously, you know the Hardys showing up, the Nemeth Brothers. You know, people coming in and out. The kind of tip of the iceberg with the WWE and NXT deal, that is just starting to blossom and produce fruit. it’s an exciting time to work here and just an exciting time to be a pro wrestling fan in the pro wrestling world man. It’s super cool,” Eric Young said.

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