The Terrifier franchise is rapidly becoming a new horror staple. The Damien Leone-created series centers around the demonic and sadistic killer Art the Clown, and is known for its intense gore and drawn-out and repulsive kill scenes. With the third installment defying expectations and going No. 1 at the box office, as well as the news of Terrifier 4, we’re taking a look through every installment of Terrifier so far, ranking them based on user ratings on Letterboxd. Click through to see what the best Terrifier movies are, ranked… 3. Terrifier (2016) “A maniacal clown named Art terrorizes three young women on Halloween night and everyone else who stands in his way.” Here’s what critics had to say… Sight & Sound: “Thornton stays in role as fun-loving mime artist, so that all his slayings involve an unnerving combination of predatory sadism & popular performance. This makes him a perfect vehicle for the paradoxes of horror (as) entertainment.” Deep Focus Review: “Repulsive, shocking, and disturbingly funny, even a little nihilistic in its single-minded ambitions. Terrifier doesn’t give the viewer much to chew on, but even the most desensitized horror fanatic will watch in horrible awe at what Leone has created.” Film Inquiry: “Art the Clown has the potential to be a formidable, gruesome, franchise horror character, he just needs more seasoning and cultivation.”
Letterboxd score: 2.4 out of 5