Ex-WWE Star Claims Knowledge of Incident Allegedly Worse Than Janel Grant’s Accusations Against Vince McMahon

6 months ago 22

Vince McMahon has been the center of controversy despite being regarded as one of the most powerful men in the wrestling business.

The former WWE Chairman was slapped with atrocious and horrific sex trafficking and misconduct allegations by former WWE employee Janel Grant that sent shockwaves across the entire industry.

However, former WWE superstar Paul Roma, who was part of the Young Stallions and Power and Glory teams recently stated on Newsnation about some incidents even worse than the McMahon-Grant situation. He began by mentioning the angle involving Terry Garvin and Mel Phillips that came to be known as the ring boy scandal from the 1990s.

“It was pretty regular, you heard it on a regular basis for the most part. Then you wouldn’t hear it for a while. Then it would come full circle. But it wasn’t so much Vince as it was the people that he had surrounding him. You talk about an industry where you have young, good looking, well-built men in the ring. Half naked, three quarters naked actually. It left the door open. He had a lot of people around him, Vice Presidents and bookers that were very much into that. They put you in a really bad situation especially once you start making some money and you kind of get comfortable with that and then you find out that your job’s on the line. Either do it or get fired. I witnessed quite a few that walked away…”

Roma also dropped reasons for the people who chose to walk away rather than indulge in those politics.

“They were asked to do things. Sexual things with other men that they did not want to do. My former partner being one of them.”

Furthermore, Paul remembered a cab ride where a companion remarked, “It’s not worth the Benjamins.” To his surprise, the very next day, during a scheduled TV taping, that individual was conspicuously absent and never appeared for the wrestling match. Later, Roma learned of the tragic news that the person had experienced an unfortunate accident, resulting in a fatal brain bleed from hitting their head.

“One of my former partners when I was part of the Young Stallions, he was propositioned. He said he went to one of the agents and told them what had happened. I said, ‘Why would you do that? You just ratted on both of us.’ He kind of threw us both under the bus just starting out.”

Lastly, he stated that Ashleigh Banfield, from the aforementioned media house was told by former WWE enhancement wrestler Mario Mancini about the incident even worse than the one involving McMahon and Ms. Grant.

“I really shouldn’t right now but yes I do know what it is and it is worse. When asked if he could characterize the incident in any way, he said, “Just that Mario and I are really surprised. We spoke about it. We’re surprised that no one has come forward but on the flip side, I think they’re of an age now they may be married and have kids and they don’t want to open Pandora’s box. I can’t blame them…”

Shifting back to the Vince situation, he resigned from his position in the TKO Group Holdings following the allegations with the case being investigated by authorities and yet to reach its conclusion. Stay tuned to Ringside News as we follow up on this story.

Do you think a situation similar to Vince McMahon’s has been prevalent for years as Paul Roman stated? Sound off in the comments!

February 20, 2024 9:35 am

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