French team: Kylian Mbappé has found a smile again

2 weeks ago 10

The day before yesterday, during the traditional pre-match press conference, the media were wondering which player would accompany Didier Deschamps. So, when the FFF announced that it would be captain Kylian Mbappé, there was excitement. The Bondynois would come out of silence a few hours after the announcement of his arrival at Real Madrid. And it was a player with all smiles who presented himself to the media. The opportunity for him to express his relief at having finished with PSG and being reunited with the Blues before flying to Spain.

“It’s a big relief, I’m very happy, I think it’s easy to see on the face. I played a lot less at the end of the season and everyone knows why. That’s how it is, you have to adapt when you’re a high-level player (…) I attacked this season with a different ambition and requirement. I thought I was never going to play. I know there have been seasons better than this, but this was the hardest to play. When I know what I had to go through and endure, it’s the best season of my career.” It is therefore a Mbappé freed from a weight who was able to start his preparation for the Euro.

Mbappé was everywhere

But which Mbappé were we going to see? As a reminder, his last outings in blue were more than bland. Unable to make any difference, the French captain remained in three consecutive matches with the national team without scoring. Well the response didn’t take long. Omnipresent, number 10 was in all the good moves. Elected man of the match by our editorial team, Mbappé was sharp. Of course, it was only Luxembourg, but with a goal, two assists, 7 duels won and 4 successful dribbles out of 4, the future Merengue had not produced such a copy for a while.

Not enough to announce a flamboyant return a few days before the start of the Euro, but the feeling of relief seems to be confirmed among the future ex-Parisian. And there is one who rubs his hands. “He’s a tremendous leader. His head and body were not used to playing little in recent weeks. From the moment he got it in his head that he was going to do everything, he had more mobility”confided Didier Deschamps at the microphone of TF1before going on to a press conference. “I’m not going to go over what happened, the exchanges we had and what he was able to do. He knows why he is there and we will need him at his best. The fact of having played 90 minutes did him good, as did the work he did. » The captain of the Blues has indeed found a smile again.

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Manu Tournoux

Manu Tournoux is a passionate and knowledgeable football enthusiast with a special focus on French football. Born and raised in France, Manu discovered his love for the beautiful game at a young age and developed a deep understanding of the ins and outs of "Le Championnat." His French roots and extensive experience in football journalism have made him an invaluable asset to the French Football Weekly team.
 As an author for the website, Manu's expertise includes not only in-depth analysis of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 matches but also insightful profiles of up-and-coming talents, detailed transfer news, and engaging coverage of the French national team. His captivating writing style and undeniable passion for the game have earned him a loyal following among our readers.
 When he's not crafting engaging articles for French Football Weekly, Manu enjoys attending live matches whenever he can, exploring football culture in various French cities, and engaging in spirited debates with fellow fans. Feel free to follow Manu on Twitter and interact with him as he shares his expert opinions, insights, and love for French football.

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