Halle Bailey Reveals She's Struggling With Postpartum Depression After Welcoming Baby

5 months ago 27

Halle Bailey is getting real about motherhood.

The 24-year-old The Little Mermaid star got candid about her postpartum journey after welcoming son Halo in a Snapchat video shared on social media.

“I just wanted to speak a little bit about my postpartum journey as a new mom,” she said.

“I have severe, severe postpartum [depression], and I don’t know if any new moms can relate, but it’s to the point where it’s really bad, and it’s hard for me to be separated from my baby for more than 30 minutes at a time before I start to kind of freak out,” she continued.

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“You all know that Halo has the most amazing daddy in the world,” she added, praising DDG.

Moo Moo is just the perfect dad to him. He loves him so much; he’s so present. And I couldn’t have asked for a better person to have a baby with because of how present he is and how much he wants to be in his life, and how supportive he is of me and my ventures.”

Halo is a miracle. He is perfect. He is beautiful. When I look at him, I cry because of how special he is. The only thing that’s been hard for me is feeling normal in my own body. I feel like a completely different person when I look in the mirror. I just feel like I’m in a whole new body, and I don’t know who I am,” Halle went on to say.

“Before I had a child and I would hear people talk about postpartum, it would kind of just go in one ear and out the other… I didn’t realize how serious of a thing it actually was,” she admitted.

“Now going through it, it feels like you’re swimming in this ocean that’s like the biggest waves you’ve ever felt, and you’re trying not to drown,” she added..

“It has nothing to do with my baby. It has everything to do with me and who I am right now. I guess today I was just triggered — especially [since] social media is just not a good thing to be on when you have postpartum — but I was just really triggered today, especially by seeing some of the things that have been said about me and my family, and the one that I love and the ones that I love.”

“It’s just, it’s honestly, it’s really, really crazy to me that people would feel the need to say such hurtful things. Normally, I’m OK. Like, normally, I’ll see it — and it will hurt my feelings — but I won’t say anything. I’m normally good with not saying anything. I just suck it up, swallow my pride and just wish that person well — whoever said something horrible about me and my family. I just wish them well. But today I couldn’t because it grows something in me to bring awareness tp. Even though you may look up to certain people and you think that they are celebrities, and they appear to have it all together, you never know what somebody else is going through, especially someone who just had a baby literally.”

One popular star also detailed her experience with postpartum depression recently.

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