Impact Wrestling Results – June 27, 2024

2 days ago 3

Impact Wrestling

Date: June 27, 2024

Location: Cicero Stadium, Cicero, Illinois

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We are closing in on Slammiversary and the big story is the Road To Slammiversary tournament/competition, which will see five challengers lined up to challenge Moose for the World Title. Josh Alexander is already in but he is going to need some fellow challengers. Odds are we find out at least one of them tonight so let’s get to it.

In Memory Of Sika.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Jordynne Grace for a chat. She knows Ash By Elegance has been watching her for months, so the title match can be on tonight. Cue the person concierge to introduce Ash, complete with security. The match can indeed happen, but we’re going to do it at Slammiversary while Ash goes to the Bahamas for a breather. Security goes after Grace, who wipes them out without much trouble until Santino Marella breaks it up. Masha Slamovich comes to the ring for her match and has a staredown with Grace.

Masha Slamovich vs. Xia Brookside

Alisha Edwards is here with Slamovich. They fight over wrist control to start with Brookside taking over, only to have Edwards offer a distraction. Brookside fights up and hits a quick Broken Wings. The Brookside Bomb is broken up by another Edwards distraction, meaning the Snowplow can finish Brookside at 5:21.

Result: Masha Slamovich b. Xia Brookside – Snowplow (5:21)

We look at First Class breaking up Steph De Lander and PCO’s date last week.

First Class brags about their win and as a bonus, AJ Francis has bought a title from a Montreal promotion. PCO has long since wanted that title, but since Francis bought it, he’s the new International Champion.

Lars Frederiksen gives Spitfire a big pep talk before they have to face each other.

Campaign Singh introduces Mustafa Ali for his state of the union. Ali talks about the video where he degraded the X-Division Title and put out an investigation into the video. The reality is that the video was AI GENERATED and officially fake news. He loves Chicago and it is #1, albeit partially in crime, but it’s time to move on to the next challenger. That means a SPEEDBALL chant but Ali is looking at both the TNA and other locker rooms.

Ali is cut off by more fans chanting for Speedball, which earns them an ejection from the champion. One of them doesn’t want to leave and throws a drink in Ali’s face, meaning the brawl is on. The fan is dragged inside to keep up the beating, with Mike Bailey and Trent Seven running in for the save. Ali isn’t happy with this and issues the challenge to Bailey for Slammiversary.

Post break, Bailey says of course he’s in for the title match.

ABC vs. Rascalz vs. Cody Deaner/Jake Something

Before the match, Deaner and Something say they want a title shot if they win but the Rascalz say they should just be #1 contenders by default. ABC dives onto them to start the fight before the bell and we take a break. Back with the match joined in progress and Deaner fighting back against the Rascalz.

Deaner flips out of a suplex into the corner for a tag off to Austin to start the house cleaning. Everything breaks down and it’s Something coming in to clear the ring. A sitout powerbomb gets two on Austin and Something shrugs off a dive. Something cuts off Austin’s handstand on the apron and drops him onto Wentz for a nasty crash. The ABC takes out Something though and it’s the 1-2-Sweet to pin Deaner at 5:28 shown.

Result: ABC b. Rascalz and Cody Deaner/Jake Something – 1-2-Sweeto to Deaner (5:28)

The System isn’t worried about Santino Marella because Moose has a plan.

Video on Sami Callihan vs. Steve Maclin.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Sami Callihan vs. Steve Maclin

Maclin hits a running knee at the bell but misses the Jar Headbutt. The Cactus Driver 97 gives Callihan two as we’re about thirty seconds in. Back up and Maclin slugs away until he knocks Callihan outside. The Scud is knocked out of the air so Maclin settles for a knee to the face back inside. The Jar Headbutt gets two and there’s an elbow off the apron to hit Callihan again.

Callihan is right back up with a t-bone suplex on the floor and they’re both down again. They both beat the count back in and Callihan hits another t-bone into the corner. The middle rope Cactus Driver 97 is blocked so Callihan settles for a middle rope Death Valley Driver. A regular Cactus Driver 97 gets two and they fight to the apron to keep up the brawling. Callihan gets caught in the ropes for a running knee, setting up the hanging KIA to give Maclin the pin at 8:46.

Result: Steve Maclin b. Sami Callihan – Hanging KIA (8:46)

Alan Angels vs. Kushida

Angels tries to jump him to start and gets cut off as Kushida sends Angels out to the apron. Back in and a neckbreaker gives Angels two as commentary talks about Jonathan Gresham. Angels grabs the chinlock but Kushida fights up, only to get dropkicked out to the floor. Kushida is fine enough to snap the arm on the floor before he punches a springboarding Angels out of the air. The Hoverboard Lock finishes Angels at 3:57.

Result: Kushida b. Alan Angels – Hoverboard Lock (3:57)

Post match Jonathan Gresham comes in to go after Kushida and tries to pour the ink into his mouth. Security makes the save.

The Hardys vow revenge on the System. This was right back to Broken Matt after last week’s step back to reality.

Video on Rich Swann vs. Nic Nemeth.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann

AJ Francis and DJ Who Kid are here with Swann. Nemeth works on the arm to start but Swann takes him down and swivels his hips. Back in and Nemeth takes him to the mat and we hit the rather aggressive headlock. That’s broken up so Kid offers a distraction, allowing Francis to get in a cheap shot. The referee tosses out the seconds and we take a break.

We come back with Nemeth fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the head for his efforts. Nemeth fights up but gets clotheslined down for two more. Back up again and Nemeth grabs a sleeper, which is broken up so Swann can knock him down for another near fall. The middle rope Phoenix splash is blocked but Swann connects with the handspring cutter for two. They trade superkicks until Nemeth hits a DDT into the Danger Zone for the pin at 15:02.

Result: Nic Nemeth b. Rich Swann – Danger Zone (15:02)


Masha Slamovich b. Xia Brookside – Snowplow

ABC b. Rascalz and Cody Deaner/Jake Something – 1-2-Sweet to Deaner

Steve Maclin b. Sami Callihan – Hanging KIA

Kushida b. Alan Angels – Hoverboard Lock

Nic Nemeth b. Rich Swann – Danger Zone

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