Jaida Parker Slaps The Champ! Fatal Influence Sets The Stage For Dominance

1 month ago 21

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another thrilling installment of NXT, where the women’s division took center stage tonight, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. We even had a few surprises up our sleeves. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

We kick off with both teams strutting backstage, Fatal Influence is debuting their new entrance tonight! 

Fatal Influence vs. MetaFour

Fatal Influence came out swinging, completely dominating the early goings. Lash, proving she’s no pushover, chucked both women outside just before we hit the break. When we return, it’s Lash still in control, but not for long. Jakara tagged in and delivered a Hart Attack to Henley, but Jayne had other plans, breaking up the pin by shoving Lash into it—how rude! 

Jakara and Henley then engaged in a good old-fashioned forearm exchange in the middle of the ring. Jayne nearly snagged the win with a two-count on Jackson, but Jackson bounced back with a reverse X Factor. As Legend tagged back in, Jayne lured her to ringside with a cheeky ruse. Nyx tried a sneaky cheap shot, but Legend had her number with a big boot. Back in the ring, Jayne and Henley caught Legend off guard with their version of Meet in the Middle, securing the win.

Winners: Fatal Influence

A quick tweet flashed on the screen from Wendy Choo, teasing a surprise for Kelani Jordan this Sunday at No Mercy. 

We then get a replay of Izzi Dame’s sneak attack on Karmen Petrovic, knocking her out of the Gauntlet Match. With both competitors now in the ring, it’s time for some payback!

Izzi Dame vs. Karmen Petrovic

Dame started off strong, blocking a snapmare and flattening Petrovic with a shoulder tackle and a backbreaker—classy Dame, really. She almost got the win after another backbreaker, but Petrovic wasn’t ready to call it quits. She fought back with a few well-placed kicks, though Dame wasn’t having any of it, blocking a Thesz Press with a spinebuster for a close two-count. 

Dame then went for a Torture Rack, but Petrovic wriggled out with a few knees to the midsection. Petrovic then hit a crossbody for her own two-count and followed up with a Rolling Sobat and a Heel Kick. Dame, however, wasn’t about to let her have it easy, returning fire with a clothesline and a Yakuza Kick. But in a surprising turn of events, Petrovic rolled Dame up for the win. Well, that’s one way to turn the tables!

Winner: Karmen Petrovic

Next, we were treated to a sit-down interview with the number one contender, Jaida Parker. Parker spoke of her past as a Division 1 Soccer player, having only joined WWE a year ago, and now finding herself with a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. Sarah Schreiber wondered if Roxanne Perez was underestimating Parker. Parker, with all the confidence of a woman who knows her worth, said she’s sure of it and flaunted her soccer accolades, adding that when the stakes are high, she always delivers. 

Cue Roxanne Perez, who decided to crash the interview and suggested Parker was just another flash in the pan like Lola Vice and Thea Hail. Harsh words from the champ! Parker, not one to back down, threatened to slap the taste out of Perez’s mouth and then promptly did just that. I might have gagged a little—this was top-notch drama.

But!! Someone else was there! Both Perez and Parker noticed someone off screen. Parker says “Yeah, I heard about you, you can get some too” as she walks away. Perez notices who she’s talking to and appears shocked.

Mixed Tag Match: The Family vs. NQCC

The lads kicked things off with Stacks, who, let’s be honest, is always easy on the eyes. Wren tagged in, which meant Rizzo had to enter, leading to Wren hitting her with an X Factor for a near fall. Rizzo, ever the cunning competitor, dumped Wren to the outside. In the end, it was The Family who emerged victorious.

Winner: Adrianna Rizzo (The Family)

NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan then made her entrance, calling out Wendy Choo to send out her “demonic little friend.” Enter Rosemary! The crowd erupted as the mysterious figure made her presence known.

Kelani Jordan vs. Rosemary

Rosemary wasted no time, choking Jordan into the corner, but Jordan managed to evade a few moves and landed a dropkick. She got a two-count off a grounded crossbody, but Rosemary quickly regained control with her Upside Down move and an Exploder Suplex for another near fall. Rosemary locked in a Rear Naked Choke, but Jordan, showing her resilience, fought out of it. 

The two women traded forearms until Jordan caught Rosemary with a Pele Kick. Jordan then rallied with some axe handles and a kip-up, only for Rosemary to no-sell a slam and hit a Spear for another close call. Rosemary tried to block a right hand, but Jordan came back with an Axe Kick and a Springboard Moonsault to pick up the victory.

Winner: Kelani Jordan

Just as Jordan was celebrating, the lights dimmed, and spotlights focused on her while Wendy Choo’s theme played. Choo then appeared out of nowhere and locked Jordan in a Rear Naked Choke, posing triumphantly over her with the North American Title. What a way to make a statement!

Overall, it was a cracking night for the women of NXT. I’m more excited for No Mercy this Sunday than the PLE on Saturday—especially after that lackluster go-home show on Raw. The NA Title match feels like it could swing either way, and while the Jaida vs. Roxanne match seems like a foregone conclusion, I’m hoping this Sunday will be Jaida’s breakout moment. If anyone can bring it out of her, it’s Roxanne.

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