Jaida Parker Wins Gauntlet Eliminator! Kelani Jordan vs. Wendy Choo Set For No Mercy

1 month ago 13

Welcome to the weekly NXT recap!

We start off in a familiar setting, the NXT parking lot! Karmen Petrovic was scheduled to participate in tonight’s Gauntlet match but was removed after being attacked by Izzi Dame. Brinley Reece is stepping in as her replacement.

Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo

The match started with Wendy Choo immediately taking control, attacking Lola Vice with a series of strikes and locking in a sleeper hold. Lola managed to break free by backing Wendy into the corner, but Wendy stayed on the offensive, blocking kicks and throwing Lola into the turnbuckles. Lola finally countered with a kick to the gut and a short-arm kick, but Wendy reversed into another sleeper hold, adding a double chop to the throat.

Wendy maintained her dominance, battering Lola in the corner and landing a snap suplex for a near fall. However, Lola fought back with knee strikes and a scissor kick to Wendy’s back. Wendy responded with a powerslam, forcing Lola out of the ring as the match went to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Wendy was still in control, executing a snapmare and wrenching Lola’s neck. Despite Lola’s attempts to fight back, Wendy’s aggression increased, hitting a big kick and slamming Lola’s head into the mat. Lola eventually turned the tide, landing rapid-fire spin kicks and a hip smash, but Wendy countered with a sunset flip and another sleeper hold. The match neared its finish when the Women’s North American Champion entered the ring. She was met with a discus lariat that was meant for Wendy, but Lola hit Kelani. This distraction led to Wendy hitting Lola with a modified pillow (it had the NA Title belt in it) to get the three count and the win.

Winner: Wendy Choo

After the match, Kelani, furious over Wendy’s win, challenged her to a title match at No Mercy, even attacking Wendy with the pillow that had the championship inside.

A vignette aired featuring Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley, who criticized the NIL (Next In Line) talents, claiming they were handed opportunities that they themselves had to earn. The two declared themselves the leaders of the division, taking a particular shot at Jazmyn, one of the new talents.

No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator

The Gauntlet Eliminator match featured competitors entering every three minutes. The match started with Wren Sinclair and Sol Ruca exchanging quick pin attempts and grappling for control. Adriana Rizzo was the next to enter, making an immediate impact with high-flying moves and suplexes. Despite her energy, Rizzo was eliminated after Sol hit a powerbomb.

Brinley Reece entered during the commercial break and immediately demonstrated her strength by suplexing both Wren and Sol simultaneously. Kendall Grey entered next, taking out Brinley Reece next with a neckbreaker and pinning her for an elimination.

Grey continued her assault on Sol and Wren, using a mix of belly-to-belly suplexes and fireman’s carry takedowns. However, Sol countered Grey’s attacks, delivering a gorilla press slam and a surfboard submission hold. Just as the match reached its climax, Jaida Parker entered as the final participant, quickly taking control with Kendal Gray and Wren Sinclar being eliminated next.

Sol and Jaida exchanged intense blows. Sol nearly secured the win with a springboard splash, but Jaida countered with a Falcon Arrow-type slam and then followed up with the Drive By, securing the victory.  

Winner: Jaida Parker

Parker was interviewed after the match. She declared herself the new force in the division and made it clear that while Roxanne Perez may be a great champion, Jaida Parker is next in line for the title.

Meta-Two as Lexis King called them, had a backstage segment. They are not only unimpressed with King, but they are having an issue as former athletes who broke into the business of Fatal Influence’s from earlier in the night.

Booked for next week’s NXT:

Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame 

Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Congrats to Jaida on the big win, I was a bit nervous for her after the match because she was either selling extremely well or a bit rocked after that sit-out powerbomb spot (which was a great improvise by Sol). Still, I’m really looking forward to Roxanne vs. Jaida as this could be Parker’s big breakout match. 

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