John Laurinaitis To Corroborate With Vince McMahon In Lawsuit Against Janel Grant

5 months ago 25

It seems that John Laurinaitis and Vince McMahon are back on the same page.

After attempting to distance himself from Vince McMahon several months ago, John Laurinaitis has now chosen to backtrack on his statements and team up with him in court instead.

POST Wrestling’s John Pollock received statements this afternoon from Vince McMahon’s lawyer, Jessica Rosenberg. McMahon’s lawyer says that Laurinaitis will now corroborate McMahon’s statements against Janel Grant; the statement reads:

“In January 2024, Ms. Grant, a 43-year-old with a law degree, who was in love with Mr. McMahon and devastated by their break-up, filed an outrageous and false lawsuit to ruin Mr. McMahon’s career and reputation. Now, her false allegations are slowly unraveling. Today, Mr. Laurinaitis’ attorney confirmed his client will corroborate Mr. McMahon’s account and expose the lies within the Complaint. Despite their intense efforts, Ms. Grant’s attorneys won’t be able to suppress the truth from coming out.” – Jessica Taub Rosenberg, Partner at Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, counsel to Vince McMahon

Edward Brennan, the legal representative for Laurinaitis, also released a statement on the matter, as follows:

“John Laurinaitis has filed a Motion today fully joining in and adopting Vince McMahon’s motion to compel arbitration. Mr. Laurinaitis corroborates Mr. McMahon in publicly declaring that Ms. Grant’s allegations of sexual abuse and coercion in her Complaint are completely unfounded. My client will fight these false allegations together with Mr. McMahon in the proper forum, arbitration.” – Edward M. Brennan

A recent change of heart for John Laurinaitis?

This response from Brennan starkly contrasts the statements he released for Laurinaitis back in February, in which his client was painted as a victim in all of this.

“Mr. Laurinaitis denies the allegations in the misguided complaint and will be vigorously defending these charges in Court, not the media. Like the Plaintiff, Mr. Laurinaitis is a victim in this case, not a predator. The truth will come out. Read the allegations. Read the Federal Statute. Power, control, employment supervisory capacity, dictatorial sexual demands with repercussions if not met. Count how many times in the complaint Vince exerts control over both of them.” – Edward M. Brennan

READ MORE: Teddy Long: John Laurinaitis Is One Of The Worst Pieces Of Sh*t On The Planet

What do you make of John Laurinaitis’ overall change in strategy? How can anything he says be taken seriously after he threw Vince McMahon under the bus several months ago? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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