Kangana Ranaut never shies away from speaking her heart out on social media. From talking about nepotism, discrimination to commenting on current matters, the actress has always been vocal. She took her Instagram on Monday to post a special note about women of Himachal Pradesh. Kangana posted a collage of Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, Pratibha Ranta and herself. Below those pictures, Kangana Ranaut wrote how she is always impressed by the hard-working Himachali women.
Kangana Ranaut lauds Himachali women
Posting a collage of pictures featuring Preity, Yami, herself and Pratibha, Kangana wrote, “peopleofhimachal.” She then added that she has seen hard-working women in her state look equally good to her and these actors or even better, and that all of them were busy trying to make ends meet. She wrote, “When I go to Himachal and see our women equally or better looking than us work tirelessly in the fields no insta no reels raising cattle and making the ends meet. I feel they can definitely do with some hype. #himachaligenes #himachaliwomen.”
Kangana Ranaut lauds Himachali women
Kangana’s upcoming movies
On the film front, Kangana is gearing up for the release of her much-awaited and much-talked-about film Emergency. The movie, which delves into the life of former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi and the “most tumultuous” period of Indian history, was slated to release this year. However, the censor board refused to give it a clearance certificate amid controversy over its representation of the Sikh community. The film will finally hit theatres on January 17. Apart from Kangana, the film also features Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Anupam Kher and Mahima Chaudhry in pivotal roles. This year, she had releases like Tejas, Tiku Weds Sheru and Chandramukhi 2.