Actor Kangana Ranaut has been facing several challenges with her upcoming movie Emergency. The biopic on former India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was postponed after CBFC didn’t clear the certification due to objections over the movie. It was also reported that it hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community. Now, Kangana Ranaut has taken to her Instagram stories and announced that the Emergency has been cleared and received a CBFC certification from the board.
Taking it to IG stories, Ms Rananut said, “We have received the certificate for our movie Emergency. We will be announcing the release date soon, thank you for your patience and support.“
Emergency is set to release soon
Kangana Ranaut shares statement on Emergency certification
Recently, in an interview with Hindustan Times, Shreyas Talpade who plays the role of Atal Bihari Vajpayee spoke about the postponement of Emergency. “The delay of the film was a really sad thing. Sometimes people pass judgment without watching the film. I feel one should watch the film before making any perception about it,” Shreyas told the portal. Adding, “It comes with losses too as there is a lot involved in the production, publicity and flow, which breaks.”
The Golmaal Returns actor adds, “Having said that, in a huge country like India, it is sometimes difficult to please everyone. A filmmaker never makes a project intending to hurt anyone’s sentiment. That is never the intention”.
For the unversed, after Kangana agreed to the proposed cuts, it was then resubmitted for certification and now, it has been cleared. Directed by Kangana Ranaut, Emergency was supposed to be released in cinemas on September 6. It also stars Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade and more.