King Charles ‘has asked for daily updates’ on the violent hate crimes in the UK

2 months ago 15

King Charles has not said or done one single thing around the white nationalist riots spreading across England. It started when a Welsh-born man staged a horrific attack on a Taylor Swift-themed dance class for children. Three little girls were murdered in the attack. Misinformation spread, and white nationalists used the moment to violently assault every Black and brown person they saw, plus there’s widespread arson and a huge amount of civil unrest, rioting and looting. This has played out for over a week, a week in which Charles has been enjoying his summer holiday in Scotland. Over the weekend, he even had fun at the Highland Games. The palace seemed more concerned over the Sussexes’ announced trip to Colombia than the violent white nationalism on display in England. The fact that this is also happening while Charles, Camilla, William and Kate actively ignore the Olympics is also just… weird. But I digress. It looks like some vacationing courtier realized that it looks bad so this is what was released:

The King has asked for daily updates on the evolving situation after unrest around the UK, Sky News understands. He is said to be engaging privately in the issues it has generated.

The King has a record of involvement in issues around community cohesion and interfaith dialogue.

It comes as thousands of specialist police have been mobilised tonight amid fears of further unrest. The trouble began after the stabbing of three young girls in Southport last week and amid false rumours the suspected attacker was an asylum seeker who had arrived by boat.

Many businesses have chosen to shut early in case the gatherings again descend into serious violence. A list of immigration solicitors’ firms and advice agencies was shared in chat groups as possible targets, with the message telling people to “mask up”.

The prime minister and senior police officers have warned the full force of the law will be used to swiftly punish any offenders.

[From Sky News]

The thing is, out of everyone in that horrid family, Charles legitimately is the only one with any kind of history in interfaith dialogue and outreach to immigrant communities. Which is why his silence has been so notable. He’s all about a photo-op in a church, mosque or temple, but when Black or brown folks are being targeted in racist hate crimes across England, he’s silent as the grave. Peter Hunt is openly criticizing Charles as well:

We have a silent head of state.

The palace spin talks of bridge building in private.

Charles is meant to be a unifying figure who champions religious tolerance and mutual respect.

Yet he’s said nothing about racism and rioting.

It’s an untenable position.

If not now, when?

— Peter Hunt (@_PeterHunt) August 8, 2024

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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