Lexis King Recalls Steve Austin Breaking Into His House: ‘It Was So Chaotic’

12 hours ago 2

Lexis King vividly recalls the night Steve Austin broke into his house and had a gun pulled on him in the iconic Raw segment

In 1996, WWE aired one of the most controversial episodes of Raw ever. The show saw Stone Cold Steve Austin continuing his feud with Brian Pillman, breaking into the house of his former tag team partner. This culminated in Pillman pulling a gun on Austin as the show went off the air, leaving fans to ponder Austin’s fate. The November 4, 1999, episode of RAW is now infamously known as the “Pillman’s Got A Gun” episode, thanks in part to Jim Ross’ iconic call of the action on the broadcast.

A young Lexis King, the son of Brian Pillman, was in the house that night and remembers what happened. Speaking with the No-Contest Wrestling Podcast, Lexis King talked about the memory of Steve Austin breaking into his house. He recalled crying and not knowing what was happening, keeping kayfabe about still hating Austin.

Pillman’s got a gun!

“I remember the night Stone Cold broke into my home and vandalized my property. He destroyed my kiddie pool and shattered the glass of the back door. They didn’t clean up that glass for like three weeks after that,” Lexis King said.

“I was mad—I was just a little kid, and there was glass everywhere. We had a jungle gym down in the basement, and I was a spoiled little brat, you know? My dad was a pro wrestler, so I had a lot of toys and stuff. But Steve Austin didn’t give a damn; he just came in and tore the place apart.

“I remember me and my sister crying—we didn’t know what was going on. The production people were telling us, ‘Stay upstairs, don’t go downstairs.’ It was so chaotic at the time. They didn’t want to spoil it for us kids, so we honestly thought it was real. We had no idea what was happening,” added Lexis King.

Ross later said that he was not a fan of the angle, explaining that the gun being involved took away a sense of reality. The segment also drew a considerable amount of backlash from viewers, considering this was an extreme sight for the era which it took place.

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