Mike Bailey Beats Zachary Wentz, Regains TNA X-Division Title At TNA Victory Road

3 weeks ago 13

Mike Bailey is now a three-time TNA X-Division Champion, as he regained the gold at TNA Victory Road.

Zachary Wentz captured the title by winning the Ultimate X match for the gold at TNA Emergence. Bailey was the reigning champion heading into the bout, and he got his rematch at TNA Victory Road.

Bailey ultimately emerged victorious as he clinched the win with the Flamingo Driver. In doing so, he won the title for the third time.

Here’s how the match broke down, courtesy of our play-by-play coverage:

Bailey wrenches Wentz’s legs in a submission hold. Wentz gets a two-count with a pin attempt. Wentz lights him up with a series of kicks. Bailey hits Wentz with some more kicks. They battle back and forth, and both men are down. Wentz and Bailey trade strikes. Both men go crashing over the ropes and down to the floor on a crossbody by Wentz. Bailey dives onto Wentz with a moonsault. Wentz dodges a dive and nails Bailey with a knee strike. Bailey hits double knees on the corner.

Wentz slams Bailey head-first onto the floor at ringside. Wentz stomps on Bailey’s back. Bailey gets his knees up for a Swanton and drills Wentz with a kick. Bailey gets a two-count with a kick. Wentz hits a diving cutter for a two-count. Bailey takes control and hits a Shooting Star Press for a near fall. He rocks Wentz with a kick. Wentz dodges Ultimate Weapon and gets a two-count with a pin attempt. He hits a flipping DDT. Bailey catches Wentz with a Poison-rana. Wentz hits a running kick. Bailey hits the Flamingo Driver for the win.

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