Okirika Youths Issue 7-Day Ultimatum to Oando Over Unpaid Land Rent

8 hours ago 2

Okirika Youths Issue 7-Day Ultimatum to Oando Over Unpaid Land Rent

The Okirika Youth Association has issued a seven-day ultimatum to Oando PLC, demanding the payment of long-overdue land rent for oil wells in their community. The oil wells, which were previously owned by Agip and recently acquired by Oando, have been operating without any rent payments to the host community for the past six years, according to the youth group.

Grievances and Demands

The Okirika youths are protesting over three major issues:

1. **Non-payment of land rent** for six years.

2. The **neglect of community development projects**.

3. **Environmental degradation** caused by oil exploration activities.

Their demands include the **immediate payment of outstanding land rent**, the implementation of **community development projects**, and **environmental remediation and compensation** for damage done to the community.

Ultimatum and Planned Actions

The group has given Oando until Monday, September 30th, 2024 to meet these demands. If the company fails to comply, the youth association has threatened to:

– Occupy **all Oando offices** across Nigeria.

– Launch **mass protests and rallies**.

– Take **legal action** against the company.

Potential Protests

Should Oando fail to meet the deadline, protests are scheduled to begin on **Monday, September 30th, 2024**, targeting all Oando offices nationwide.

Community Response

Tamuno Joe, spokesperson for the Okirika Youth Association, expressed the community’s frustration: “We have been patient for too long. It’s time for Oando to take responsibility for their actions.”

A community representative added, “We will not back down until our demands are met. We will fight for our rights.”

The situation remains tense as the deadline approaches, with the Okirika community prepared to escalate their actions if their grievances are not addressed.

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