Pierre Ménès, the sanction falls

5 months ago 35

During his descent into hell in 2021, Pierre Ménès disappeared from the comments of the Fifa video game and the courts ordered Electronic Arts to pay him 85,000 euros in compensation.

Nice victory ! I won’t let myself be dragged through the mud. Thank you to the French Justice to which reiterates my Respect and my Confidence unlike the Media Court », rejoiced Pierre Ménès on of Channel Football Club in 2021.

The Lyon commercial court thus ordered the French subsidiary of EA to pay 75,000 euros to “Pierrot” for its material and economic losses, as well as 10,000 euros in procedural costs, as revealed by the site The Informed this Tuesday. Pierre Ménès, who pocketed 100,000 euros per Fifa opus to comment on matches in the game alongside Hervé Mathoux, claimed 200,000 euros in material damage and 100,000 euros in moral damage.

After the broadcast of the documentary I’m not a bitch, I’m a journalist directed by Marie Portolano, a sequence cut by the Canal+ journalist evoking a gesture by her colleague Pierre Ménès was revealed by the site Days. The media outcry was immense and those responsible for EA Sports in France quickly decided to remove the voice of the former L’Equipe reporter.

Nice victory !

I won’t let myself be dragged through the mud. Thank you to the French Justice which reiterates my Respect and my Confidence unlike the Media Court.

Thanks also to @Nicorebo @Arash for their excellent work as a lawyer “Pierre Ménès condemns EA…

— Pierre Ménès (@PierreMenes) January 16, 2024

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Manu Tournoux

Manu Tournoux is a passionate and knowledgeable football enthusiast with a special focus on French football. Born and raised in France, Manu discovered his love for the beautiful game at a young age and developed a deep understanding of the ins and outs of "Le Championnat." His French roots and extensive experience in football journalism have made him an invaluable asset to the French Football Weekly team. As an author for the website, Manu's expertise includes not only in-depth analysis of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 matches but also insightful profiles of up-and-coming talents, detailed transfer news, and engaging coverage of the French national team. His captivating writing style and undeniable passion for the game have earned him a loyal following among our readers. When he's not crafting engaging articles for French Football Weekly, Manu enjoys attending live matches whenever he can, exploring football culture in various French cities, and engaging in spirited debates with fellow fans. Feel free to follow Manu on Twitter and interact with him as he shares his expert opinions, insights, and love for French football.

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